轨梁精轧机 rail finishing mill;
轨梁: 轨梁精轧机 rail finishing mill;
固定式喷雾泵 stationary spray pump;
固定式地面站 fixed earth station;
固定式坩埚炉 bale-out furnace; stationary crucible furnace; stationary pot furnace (有色压铸用);
固定式密垫 fixed packing;
固定式导料装置 solid stock guide;
固定式平台 fixed platform;
固定式平炉 {冶} stationary open-hearth furnace;
固定式悬挂装置 fixed linkage;
固定式抛砂机 stationary sandslinger; stationary slinger;
固定式挖泥船 stationary dredger;
固定式挡土墙 {土} fixed retaining wall;
固定式挡料装置 solid stop;
固定式接电器 current with fixed base; with fixed base collector;
固定式放映机 stationary film projectors;
固定式散射通信设备 stationary scatter communication equipment;
固定式机关枪 {军} fixed gun;
固定式柴油机 stationary diesel engine;
固定式渔网 grab-all [澳];
固定式火炮 {军} fixed artillery;
固定式焊机 stationary welding machine;
固定式照准器 fixed index;
固定式燃气发生器 seated gas generator;
固定式燃气轮机 land-based gas turbine engine; stationary gas turbine;
固定式电动泵组 stationary electric pumping set;
固定式电动起重机 electric motor-operated fixed crane;
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更新时间:2025/3/10 10:34:32