

单词 车 1
释义 车(車)[chē]1. (陆地上有轮子的运输工具) vehicle:火车train;汽车motor vehicle; automobile;马车(horse-drawn) carriage; cart;用车运货carry goods in a vehicle2. (利用轮轴旋转的器具) wheeled machine or instrument:纺车spinning wheel;滑车pulley;水车waterwheel3. (机器) machine:开车set the machine going; start the machine;试车trial [test] run;停车stop the machine4. (姓氏) a surname:车忠Che Zhong1. (用车床切削东西) lathe; turn:车光smooth sth. on a lathe;车机器零件lathe a machine part2. (用水车取水) lift water by waterwheel:把河里的水车到稻田里lift water from a river into paddy fields3. [方] (转动, 多指身体) turn:她把脸车了过去。She turned away her face.另见 jū。




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