

单词 调度
释义 调度调度[diào dù]1. (调遣) dispatch (trains, buses, etc.):在终点站调度公共汽车dispatch buses at a terminal2. (调度员) dispatcher:他是电车公司的调度。He is a dispatcher at the trolleybus company.3. (安排) manage; control:生产调度production management4. (安排时间、进度) scheduling:动态[工作]调度dynamic scheduling;任务调度task scheduling
常用词组1.调度策略 {计} scheduling strategy;2.调度程序 scheduler program; scheduler; dispatcher;3.调度程序系统 scheduling system;4.调度处理机 scheduling processor;5.调度电话 dispatching telephone;6.调度电话系统 dispatcher telephone system;7.调度电话引入转换架 lead-in and change-over rack for dispatching telephone;8.调度电话装置 dispatcher telephone device;9.调度电力机车 electric switching locomotive;10.调度工程师 control engineer; dispatching engineer;11.调度规则 scheduling rule [discipline];12.调度集中 centralized traffic control;13.调度计算机 dispatching computer;14.调度绞车 car hauler; car spotting hoist; spotting hoist;15.调度理论 scheduling theory;16.调度模型 scheduling model;17.调度排队 scheduling queue;18.调度塞绳 patch cord;19.调度设备 dispatching equipment;20.调度室 control building [room]; dispatching room [station]; dispatcher's office;21.调度算法 dispatching [dispatch; scheduling] algorithm;22.调度所 dispatching office;23.调度台 dispatching desk;24.调度文件 schedule file;25.调度系统 dispatching [scheduling] system;26.调度优先级 dispatching priority;27.调度员 dispatcher; yardman; controller;28.调度载波配合器 carrier adapter for dispatching telephone;29.调度站 dispatching [commanding] point;30.调度长 dinger;31.调度中心 dispatching center




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