

单词 表示
释义 表示表示[biǎo shì]1.show; express; mean; indicate; expression; presentation; signifying; remark; representation:表示不服罪plead not guilty; plead unguilty;表示服罪plead guilty;表示愤慨express one's indignation;表示支持express one's support;表示感谢express one's thanks;表示软弱show weakness;表示态度define one's attitude;表示同意give one's adhesion to;表示异议demur;用图解形式表示show in a graphic form;点头表示赞同nod approval;对某人表示好感show sb. favour;表示对形势的关切show concern over the situation;表示热烈欢迎extend a warm welcome;友好的表示an expression of friendship; a manifestation of friendship; a friendly gesture;红色信号灯表示人和车辆不能通行。The red traffic light indicates that every person and vehicle must stop.
常用词组1.表示层 presentation layer;2.表示传输 list directed transmission;3.表示代数 representation algebra;4.表示公式 representation formula;5.表示函数 representative function; representing function;6.表示环 representative ring; representation ring;7.表示控制 presentation control;8.表示理论 representation theory;9.表示0 到 39 的码 thirty-nine feature code;10.表示模{数} representative module; representation module;11.表示盘 indication panel;12.表示设备 indication equipment;13.表示式 {数} representative; representative expression




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