

单词 accomplice




First attested in the 1580s. From Middle English accomplice, from a complice, from Old French complice (confederate), from Latin complicare (fold together). The article a became part of the word, through the influence of the word accomplish.


  • (UK) IPA(key): /əˈkɒm.plɪs/, /ə.ˈkʌm.plɪs/[1][2][3]
  • (US) IPA(key): /ə.ˈkɑm.pləs/, /ə.ˈkɑm.plɪs/
  • (file)
  • (file)
  • Hyphenation: ac‧com‧plice


accomplice (plural accomplices)

  1. (law) An associate in the commission of a crime; a participator in an offense, whether a principal or an accessory.
    • 1749, Samuel Johnson, Irene
      And thou, the curst accomplice of her treason, Declare thy message, and expect thy doom
    • 1693, Decimus Junius Juvenalis; John Dryden, transl., “[The Satires of Decimus Junius Juvenalis.] The Third Satyr”, in The Satires of Decimus Junius Juvenalis. Translated into English Verse. [] Together with the Satires of Aulus Persius Flaccus. [], London: Printed for Jacob Tonson [], OCLC 80026745:
      suspected for accomplice to the fire
  2. (rare) A cooperator.
    • 1591 (date written), William Shakespeare, “The First Part of Henry the Sixt”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, OCLC 606515358, [Act V, scene ii]:
      Success unto our valiant general, And happiness to his accomplices!

Usage notes

  • Followed by with or of before a person and by in or to (or sometimes of) before the crime; as, "A was an accomplice with B in the murder of C"; or, "D was an accomplice to murder".


  • abettor, accessory, assistant, associate, confederate, coadjutor, ally, promoter; see abettor.

Derived terms

  • accompliceship



  1. The Chambers Dictionary, 9th Ed., 2003
  2. accomplice”, in Collins English Dictionary.
  3. accomplice”, in Lexico, Dictionary.com; Oxford University Press, 2019–2022.




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