

释义 [kǔ]1. (像胆汁或黄连的味道) bitter:这药苦极了。This medicine tastes very bitter.2. (难受的; 痛苦的) painful; hard:愁眉苦脸distressed looks; have a worried look3. [方] (除去得太多; 损耗太过) (cut off) too much:指甲剪得太苦trim one's nails too short;树枝修得太苦了。The trees are overpruned.1. (难受; 痛苦) hardship; suffering; pain:吃 [怕]苦bear [fear] hardship;苦里生, 甜里长be born in misery but brought up in happiness;诉苦air one's sufferings;他在旧社会受尽了苦。He went through all kinds of hardships in the old society.2. (姓氏) a surname:苦灼Ku Zhuo1. (使痛苦; 使难受) cause sb. suffering; give sb. a hard time:这事可苦了他了。This matter really gave him a hard time.2. (苦于) suffer from; be troubled by:苦旱suffer from drought1.(有耐心地; 尽力地) painstakingly; doing one's utmost:苦读study hard;苦留try hard to ask sb. to stay;苦劝earnestly advise [exhort];勤学苦练study and train hard




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