自燃物 pyrophorus
自燃: 自燃物 pyrophorus
(军队长期居住的地方) barracks
(军队) divide into squads
(农作物收成平常的年头儿) average year (in crop yield)
(农具)悬挂装置 suspension linkage
(农历12月有30天的年份) a lunar year in which the last month has 30 days
(农历十月的气候) balmy weather in the tenth lunar month
(农历) the ninth month of the lunar year; the ninth moon
(农历) the second month of the lunar year; the second moon
(农历) the tenth month of the lunar year; the tenth moon
(农历) the twelfth month of the lunar year; the twelfth moon
(农忙时的加餐) extra meal in the daytime during the busy farming season
(农村的一级生产组织) production brigade (of a rural people's commune)
(冬季贮菜用的枯井) dry well (used to store vegetables in winter)
(冰上曲棍球运动) ice hockey
(冰激凌) ice cream
(冰球运动使用的球) puck
(冲蚀; 冲成) wash (away):
(决定于) be determined by; depend on:
(决心要; 很想要) set one's mind on:
(冷淡的待遇) cold-shoulder
(冷清) deserted; desolate:
(冷遇) a cold reception:
(凄凉而模糊) desolate and indistinct
(凄凉) dreary; miserable:
(准假条) leave permit:
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