

释义 [tuō]1. (脱落) cast; shed; drop; fall off:lose one's hair;脱壳come out of an egg; hatch chicken;把儿脱了。The handle has come off.他脸晒脱皮了。His face is peeling because of sunburn.2. (取下; 除去) take off; strip; cast off:脱鞋[衣服]take off one's shoes [clothes];脱衣沐浴strip for a bath3. (脱离) get out of; escape from; break away from:脱险escape danger;脱榫be out of joint;逃脱惩罚escape being punished;摆脱困境extricate oneself from a predicament4. (漏掉) miss:这一行里脱了3个字。Three characters are missing in this line.5. [书] (轻慢) neglect; sligh1.[书] (倘若; 或许) if; perhaps:脱使可行。Perhaps it can be done.1.(姓氏) a surname:脱炎Tuo Yan




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