

单词 背 2
释义 [bèi]1. (背脊; 脊梁; 躯干自肩至后腰的部分) body's back:马背the back of a horse2. (物体的反面或后面) back side of an object:镜背back of a mirror;靠背back cushion;手背the back of the hand3. (姓氏) a surname:背廷Bei Ting1. [口] (不顺利; 倒霉) unlucky:手气背unlucky at card playing or gambling, etc.2. (偏僻) out-of-the-way:背街back street;很背的小路a remote path3. (听觉不灵) hard of hearing:耳朵真背be very hard of hearing1. (背部对着; 转过去) with the back facing [towards]; turn away:背墙而立stand with the back towards the wall;把脸背过去turn one's face away;人心向背whether the people are for or against2. (离开; 抛弃) leave; abandon:背离家园leave one's nation place3. (躲避; 瞒) hide sth. from; do sth. in secret:背着人吃eat secretly;背着人说话talk behind sb.'s back4. (背诵) recite from memory; repeat to memory; learn by heart:背课文recite the text;背台词speak one's lines5. (违反) act contrary to; violate; break:背盟弃信violate a treaty6. (昏迷) faint; fall unconcious:背过气了fainted另见 bēi。




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