

单词 꿈쩍




An intensive form of 굼적 (gumjeok).


  • IPA(key): [k͈umt͡ɕ͈ʌ̹k̚]
  • Phonetic hangeul: []
Revised Romanization?kkumjjeok
Revised Romanization (translit.)?kkumjjeog
Yale Romanization?kkwumccek


꿈쩍 (kkumjjeok)

  1. (of heavy things) with truly a slow and slight movement (chiefly in negative constructions, to emphasize that the subject does not move at all)
    돌을 밀어도 꿈쩍도 안 한다.
    Doreul mireodo kkumjjeokdo an handa.
    The stone doesn't move even the tiniest amount even when we push it.
Sound-symbolic terms related to 감다 (gamda, “to close one's eyes”)
Yang-vowel form
Yin-vowel form
Middle Korean: ᄀᆞᆷᄌᆞᆨ (Yale: komcok)
Middle Korean: 금즉 (Yale: kumcuk)
깜작 (kkamjak)
깜작깜작 (kkamjakkkamjak)
깜짝 (kkamjjak)
깜짝깜짝 (kkamjjakkkamjjak)
끔적 (kkeumjeok)
끔적끔적 (kkeumjeokkkeumjeok)
끔쩍 (kkeumjjeok)
끔쩍끔쩍 (kkeumjjeokkkeumjjeok)
깜박 (kkambak)
깜박깜박 (kkambakkkambak)
깜빡 (kkamppak)
깜빡깜빡 (kkamppakkkamppak)
껌벅 (kkeombeok)
껌벅껌벅 (kkeombeokkkeombeok)
껌뻑 (kkeomppeok)
껌뻑껌뻑 (kkeomppeokkkeomppeok)
끔벅 (kkeumbeok)
끔벅끔벅 (kkeumbeokkkeumbeok)
끔뻑 (kkeumppeok)
끔뻑끔뻑 (kkeumppeokkkeumppeok)
깜찍하다 (kkamjjikhada)끔찍하다 (kkeumjjikhada)
끔찍끔찍하다 (kkeumjjikkkeumjjikhada)
곰작 (gomjak)
곰작곰작 (gomjakgomjak)
꼼작 (kkomjak)
꼼작꼼작 (kkomjakkkomjak)
꼼짝 (kkomjjak)
꼼짝꼼짝 (kkomjjakkkomjjak)
굼적 (gumjeok)
굼적굼적 (gumjeokgumjeok)
꿈적 (kkumjeok)
꿈적꿈적 (kkumjeokkkumjeok)
꿈쩍 (kkumjjeok)
꿈쩍꿈쩍 (kkumjjeokkkumjjeok)

Usage notes

꿈쩍 (kkumjjeok) is the yin vowel, or dark vowel, form of 꼼짝 (kkomjjak).

In contemporary Korean, the yin vowels refer to /ʌ/, /e/, /u/, and often /i/. In Korean ideophones and sensory words, forms with these vowels have a connotation of darkness, largeness, murkiness, bluntness, old age, or negativeness.

꿈쩍 (kkumjjeok) is the intensive consonant form of 굼적 (gumjeok).

In many Korean ideophones and sensory words, forms with consonants which are aspirated or tensed are intensive; they emphasize the degree to which the description is true.

꿈적 (kkumjeok) is another intensive form of 굼적 (gumjeok), and is considered less intensive than 꿈쩍 (kkumjjeok).





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