advance: advancer
(话头) thread of discourse [conversation]:
(话里的含意) implication:
(详情) details; particulars; detailed information
(语言和文学) language and literature
(语言文字) language (oral and written)
(说废话) jabber; blah-blah:
(说明原因) account for
(说明发起某件事情的缘故的文字) an account of the founding of an institution or the beginning of a project
(说笑闹着玩) make merry; make a joke:
(说话、写文章绕圈子) beat about the bush; in a roundabout way; in a devious way; prunes and prism; circumambulate:
(说话不直截了当) beat about [around] the bush; talk in a roundabout way:
(说话做事时露出的漏洞) flaw; weak point:
(说话兜圈子) be tricky and evasive; play hide-and-seek:
(说话办事不直截了当) beat about the bush; speak or act in a roundabout way
(说话尖刻) sharp-tongued; acrimonious
(说话或背诵接不下去) pause in speaking or reciting
(说话时带的某种情绪) tone (of speech); note:
(说话时语音上的间歇) pause (in speaking):
(说话时鼻音特别重的人) a person who speaks with a twang
(说话的气势) manner of speaking:
(说话的能力) ability to speak
(说话过头) go too far in what one says; put sth. too strongly; overstate
(说谦虚的话) make modest remarks:
(说起话来就没完的人) a garrulous person; a chatterbox
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