

单词 般遷


See also: 般迁


sort; kind; class; way; manner
to move; to shift
trad. (般遷)
simp. (般迁)


  • Mandarin
    (Pinyin): bānqiān
    (Zhuyin): ㄅㄢ ㄑㄧㄢ

  • Mandarin
    • (Standard Chinese)+
      • Pinyin: bānqiān
      • Zhuyin: ㄅㄢ ㄑㄧㄢ
      • Gwoyeu Romatzyh: banchian
      • IPA (key): /pän⁵⁵ t͡ɕʰi̯ɛn⁵⁵/



  1. Alternative form of 搬遷搬迁 (bānqiān, “to move (one's home); to relocate”).
    • 杭州之江文理學院經過數次般遷,也於1938年2月遷到上海租界,該院在抗日戰爭中又恢復了原名之江大學。 [MSC, trad.]
      杭州之江文理学院经过数次般迁,也于1938年2月迁到上海租界,该院在抗日战争中又恢复了原名之江大学。 [MSC, simp.]
      From: 2009, 許秦蓁, 時/空的重組與再現——臺灣文學與城市論述, page 61
      Hángzhōu Zhījiāng Wénlǐ Xuéyuàn jīngguò shù cì bānqiān, yě yú 1938 nián 2 yuè qiān dào Shànghǎi Zūjiè, gāi yuàn zài Kàngrì Zhànzhēng zhōng yòu huīfù le yuánmíng Zhījiāng Dàxué. [Pinyin]
      The Hangchow College of Sciences and Humanities went through many relocations, and in February 1938, it has moved to the Shanghai Settlement. During the War of Resistance against Japan, the college restored its original name of Hangchow University.
    • 至於說她「姊妹四個,而她是第四個的」,則是暗寫共有四個人會同監督吳三桂撤藩般遷事宜 [MSC, trad.]
      至于说她“姊妹四个,而她是第四个的”,则是暗写共有四个人会同监督吴三桂撤藩般迁事宜 [MSC, simp.]
      From: 2010, 南佳人, 紅樓夢真相大發現(四)——寶釵作生日故事的真相, page 28
      Zhìyú shuō tā “zǐmèi sì ge, ér tā shì dìsì ge de”, zéshì ànxiě gòng yǒu sì ge rén huì tóng jiāndū Wú Sānguì chèfān bānqiān shìyí [Pinyin]
      (please add an English translation of this example)
    • 員警日前掌握到該詐騙集團即將般遷他處 [MSC, trad.]
      员警日前掌握到该诈骗集团即将般迁他处 [MSC, simp.]
      From: 2015, 自由時報, 專騙中國人 檢警破詐騙集團機房 (影音)
      yuánjǐng rìqián zhǎngwò dào gāi zhàpiàn jítuán jíjiāng bānqiān zhì tāchù [Pinyin]
      (please add an English translation of this example)




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