粉状填料 fleut;
粉状: 粉状填料 fleut;
(回旋余地) room for manoeuvre; a way of escape:
(回旋的余地) room for manoeuvre;leeway; a way of escape:
(回赠礼物) present a gift in return
(回赠礼物) send a present in return; present a gift in return
(回避) evade; dodge:
(因不公平而气愤) indignant; resentful; grievance; complaint:
(因刀口钝造成的不平) fraze
(因回避而不开口) keep one's mouth shut:
(因失意而消沉) downhearted; disheartened
(因害怕等而发抖) shudder
(因希望落空而不愉快) disappointed:
(因愤怒等而脸色变红) flush with anger; get excited; get worked up:
(因某种刺激而引起感情变化、回忆等; 感动; 感触) move sb.; stir up sb.'s feelings; touch one's heart:
(因没有把握而难以预期) uncertain:
(因疏忽或水平不高而造成差错) slip up:
(因票面金额超过存款余额或透支限额而不能生效的支票) kiting check; bounced [dishonoured; dud; rubber] check; accommodation kite; accommodation bill; fictitious paper
(因长期不用而不熟练) out of practice; rusty:
(团圆; 团聚) reunion
(团弄) knead; malaxate:
(团聚的结局) happy ending
(困苦) hardship; trouble; difficulty:
(困难) difficulty:
(围绕村庄的障碍物) defensive wall; stockade surrounding a village
(固定不变的) definite; constant:
(固定资产)折旧率 depreciation rate (for fixed assets); rate of depreciation;
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