简并参变放大器 degenerate parametric amplifier;
简并: 简并参变放大器 degenerate parametric amplifier;
(全部) all:
(全面的论述) a general survey; an introduction:
(公布法律、条例等) be published
(公开场合) in the open; in public:
(公开的;不含糊的) frank; unequivocal; explicit:
(公文用语) main content
(公民共有的土地) common land
(共同遵守的章程) joint pledge; collectively agreed-upon regulations within a work-unit:
(关卡) checkpost
(关头) juncture
(关系密切、感情深厚的人) dear ones; those dear to one
(关系密切)be sentimentally attached to each other;cannot bear to part with each other:
(关键时刻) critical juncture; at the critical moment; in the nick of time; crisis; a suitable occasion:
(关门) shut the door for the night; bolt the door
(兴致) state of mind; mood
(兴起或旺盛的样子) vigorously; prosperously (in a vigorous and flourishing state)
(兴起) rise; spring up:
(兵书) a book on the art of war
(兵器) weapons; arms:
(具有一定的形状) be in the proper form:
(具有重大历史意义和作用的地方) sacred place; sacred land; shrine:
(养护) maintain:
(养育子女) bear or bring up a child
(兼作) function:
(内勤人员) office staff
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