

单词 橫順



unruly; horizontal; across
unruly; horizontal; across; (horizontal character stroke)
to obey; to follow; to arrange
to obey; to follow; to arrange; to make reasonable; along; favorable
trad. (橫順)
simp. (横顺)


  • Mandarin
    (Chengdu, SP): hun2 sun4 / huan2 sun4

  • Mandarin
    • (Chengdu)
      • Sichuanese Pinyin: hun2 sun4 / huan2 sun4
      • Scuanxua Ladinxua Xin Wenz: xunsun / xuansun
      • Sinological IPA (key): /xuən²¹ suən²¹³/, /xuan²¹ suən²¹³/



  1. (Southwestern Mandarin, including Sichuanese; dialectal Jin) anyway
    • 橫順有點事要找他的。 [Sichuanese, trad.]
      横顺有点事要找他的。 [Sichuanese, simp.]
      From: 1960, 李劼人 (Li Jieren), 《大波》第二卷 (Great Wave, volume 2), page 352
      Ngo3 hun2 sun4 you3 dian3 si4 yao4 zao3 ta1 ni1. [Sichuanese Pinyin]
      I need to talk to him anyway.
    • 橫順沒有客人來,我就給你擺一擺吧。 [Sichuanese, trad.]
      横顺没有客人来,我就给你摆一摆吧。 [Sichuanese, simp.]
      From: 1980, 吴因易 (Wu Yinyi), 《梨园谱》, page 343
      Hun2 sun4 mei4 you3 ke2 ren2 nai2, ngo3 jiu4 ge1 nyi3 bai3 yi2 bai3 ba4. [Sichuanese Pinyin]
      There aren't any customers anyway, so I can chat with you for a bit.
    • 我幫你買,橫順我要上街的 [Sichuanese, trad.]
      我帮你买,横顺我要上街的 [Sichuanese, simp.]
      From: 1998, 《成都方言詞典》, page 333
      Ngo3 bang1 nyi3 mai3, hun2 sun4 ngo3 yao4 sang4 gai1 ni1 [Sichuanese Pinyin]
      I'll buy it for you since I have to go out anyway.
  2. (Southwestern Mandarin, including Sichuanese; dialectal Gan) anyhow; at any rate; no matter what
    • 這女人第一難惹,橫順不講道理。 [Sichuanese, trad.]
      这女人第一难惹,横顺不讲道理。 [Sichuanese, simp.]
      From: 1978, 沙汀 (Sha Ting) et al., 《四川十人短篇小说选》, page 248
      Ze4 nyu3 ren2 di4 yi2 nan2 ze3, hun2 sun4 bu2 jiang3 dao4 ni3. [Sichuanese Pinyin]
      This woman is firstly hard to deal with; she doesn't speak reasonably anyhow.
    • 那幾年有「四人幫」在上頭給他當後臺,橫順變些花樣出來為他打氣嘛。 [Sichuanese, trad.]
      那几年有“四人帮”在上头给他当后台,横顺变些花样出来为他打气嘛。 [Sichuanese, simp.]
      From: 1979, 故事会 (Gushi Hui), issue 2, page 47
      Na4 ji3 nyian2 you3 “si4 ren2 bang1” zai4 sang4 tou2 ge1 ta1 dang1 hou4 tai2, hun2 sun4 bian4 xi1 hua1 yang4 cu2 nai2 wei4 ta1 da3 qi4 ma2. [Sichuanese Pinyin]
      These few years, the “Gang of Four” was up there to support him. Anyhow, play some tricks to cheer for him.
    • 橫順要跟倒我走,我也莫得辦法 [Sichuanese, trad.]
      横顺要跟倒我走,我也莫得办法 [Sichuanese, simp.]
      From: 1998, 《成都方言詞典》, page 333
      Ta1 hun2 sun4 yao4 gen1 dao3 ngo3 zou3, ngo3 ye3 mo2 de2-1 ban4 fa2 [Sichuanese Pinyin]
      He keeps following me no matter what, and I can't do anything about it.



  • 王文虎, 张一舟, 周家筠 (eds.). 四川方言词典 (Sichuan Fangyan Cidian). Chengdu: Sichuan People's Publishing House, 1987.




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