

单词 拆家



to tear open; to tear down; to tear apart
to tear open; to tear down; to tear apart; to open
home; family; ‑ist
home; family; ‑ist; ‑er; ‑ian; measure word for stores and schools
trad. (拆家)
simp. #(拆家)


  • Mandarin
    (Pinyin): chāijiā
    (Zhuyin): ㄔㄞ ㄐㄧㄚ
  • Cantonese (Jyutping): caak3 gaa1

  • Mandarin
    • (Standard Chinese)+
      • Hanyu Pinyin: chāijiā
      • Zhuyin: ㄔㄞ ㄐㄧㄚ
      • Tongyong Pinyin: chaijia
      • Wade–Giles: chʻai1-chia1
      • Yale: chāi-jyā
      • Gwoyeu Romatzyh: chaijia
      • Palladius: чайцзя (čajczja)
      • Sinological IPA (key): /ʈ͡ʂʰaɪ̯⁵⁵ t͡ɕjä⁵⁵/
  • Cantonese
    • (Standard Cantonese, Guangzhou)+
      • Jyutping: caak3 gaa1
      • Yale: chaak gā
      • Cantonese Pinyin: tsaak8 gaa1
      • Guangdong Romanization: cag3 ga1
      • Sinological IPA (key): /t͡sʰaːk̚³ kaː⁵⁵/



  1. (informal) street-level drug dealer
    • 2022 August 18, Sing Tao Daily, 「用家」變毒品拆家 22人被拘6未成年 (Drug Addicts Become Drug Suppliers, 22 Arrested Including 6 Juveniles):
      近年青少年吸食大麻問題日益嚴重,有販毒集團疑為拓展年輕人市場,以每次五十至一百元不等的報酬,利誘有吸食習慣的買家擔當毒品拆家,透過社交媒體協助售賣大麻…… [MSC, trad.]
      近年青少年吸食大麻问题日益严重,有贩毒集团疑为拓展年轻人市场,以每次五十至一百元不等的报酬,利诱有吸食习惯的买家担当毒品拆家,透过社交媒体协助售卖大麻…… [MSC, simp.]
      jìnnián qīngshàonián xīshí dàmá wèntí rìyì yánzhòng, yǒu fàndú jítuán yí wèi tuòzhǎn niánqīngrén shìchǎng, yǐ měicì wǔshí zhì yībǎi yuán bùděng de bàochóu, lìyòu yǒu xīshí xíguàn de mǎijiā dāndāng dúpǐn chāijiā, tòuguò shèjiāoméitǐ xiézhù shòumài dàmá...... [Pinyin]
      As the problem of cannabis smoking among teenagers has worsened, some drug trafficking syndicates induced drug addicts to become drug dealer to sell cannabis through social media with a pay of $50 to $100 per transaction, in order to expand their market among teenagers.
    • 2016 January 21, Hong Kong Economic Times, 3名警員及毒品拆家涉不道德交易被廉署拘捕 (3 Police Officers and Drug Suppliers Arrested by ICAC for Immoral Transaction):
      廉政公署近日拘捕3名警員及一名男子,據悉,涉嫌警員犯案時均為屯門警區特別職務隊探員,曾與毒犯拆家進行不道德交易,未有拘捕毒犯及通知上級。 [MSC, trad.]
      廉政公署近日拘捕3名警员及一名男子,据悉,涉嫌警员犯案时均为屯门警区特别职务队探员,曾与毒犯拆家进行不道德交易,未有拘捕毒犯及通知上级。 [MSC, simp.]
      Liánzhènggōngshǔ jìnrì jūbǔ 3 míng jǐngyuán jí yīmíng nánzǐ, jùxī, shèxián jǐngyuán fàn'àn shí jūn wèi túnmén jǐngqū tèbié zhíwù duì tànyuán, céng yǔ dúfàn chāijiā jìnxíng bù dàodé jiāoyì, wèiyǒu jūbǔ dúfàn jí tōngzhī shàngjí. [Pinyin]
      The ICAC has arrested 3 police officers and 1 man. From our knowledge, the suspected police officers were detectives of Special Duty Squad, Tuen Mun District, they conspired with drug dealers to engage in immoral transactions, and failed to arrest them and notify their superiors.
    • 2005 December 9, Hong Kong Government Press Release, 海關檢獲危險毒品 (Customs Seized Dangerous Drugs):
      海關相信該男子為毒品拆家,將被落案控以「販運危險藥物」罪名。 [MSC, trad.]
      海关相信该男子为毒品拆家,将被落案控以“贩运危险药物”罪名。 [MSC, simp.]
      Hǎiguān xiàngxìn gāi nánzǐ wèi dúpǐn chāijiā, jiāng bèi luò'àn kòng yǐ “fànyùn wēixiǎn yàowù” zuìmíng. [Pinyin]
      The Customs believe the male is a drug dealer, and he will be charged with trafficking in dangerous drug




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