chocolated-flavored milk
milk: chocolated-flavored milk
(插曲; 穿插在大事件中的小故事) digression; episode
(插枝)transplant a cutting
(插足) step in (to gain an advantage)
(揣度) conjecture; guess:
(揭露) expose; bring to light:
(搀杂进去) mix; mingle
(搜寻招致) enlist the services of:
(搪塞) prevaricate; equivocate
(搬家) move (house)
(搬弄是非的话) gossip:
(搬弄) play with; juggle with:
(搭起的棚子) makeshift shelter
(摆布; 利用) order about; manipulate
(摆布) manipulate; order about
(摆弄) tinker with; fiddle with:
(摆脱不开) cannot get away from:
(摆脱窘境) help sb. out of a predicament; save sb. from embarrassment; get sb. out of a fix; ease sb.'s embarrassment:
(摆脱责任) shake off responsibility
(摇摆) mobile; uncertain; wave to and fro; float:
(摔跤运动员穿的上衣) jacket made of several layers of cloth, worn by wrestlers
(摘录的文章) extracts; excerpts:
(摘录) extracts; excerpts
(摘记的要点) extracts; excerpts:
(摹写书画等并印刷) copy and print
(摹刻的成品) carved reproduction of an inscription or painting
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