

单词 寒露



cold; poor; to tremble
to show; to reveal; to expose
to show; to reveal; to expose; dew
trad. (寒露)
simp. #(寒露)


  • Mandarin
    (Pinyin): Hánlù
    (Zhuyin): ㄏㄢˊ ㄌㄨˋ
    (Chengdu, SP): han2 nu4
  • Cantonese (Jyutping): hon4 lou6
  • Gan (Wiktionary): 'hon2 lu5
  • Hakka
    (Sixian, PFS): Hòn-lu
    (Meixian, Guangdong): hon2 lu4
  • Jin (Wiktionary): han1 lou3
  • Min Bei (KCR): Uǐng-lū
  • Min Dong (BUC): Hàng-ló
  • Min Nan
    (Hokkien, POJ): Hân-lō͘
    (Teochew, Peng'im): guan5 lou7
  • Wu (Wiktionary): hhoe lu (T3)
  • Xiang (Wiktionary): han2 lou5

  • Mandarin
    • (Standard Chinese)+
      • Hanyu Pinyin: Hánlù
      • Zhuyin: ㄏㄢˊ ㄌㄨˋ
      • Tongyong Pinyin: Hánlù
      • Wade–Giles: Han2-lu4
      • Yale: Hán-lù
      • Gwoyeu Romatzyh: Harnluh
      • Palladius: Ханьлу (Xanʹlu)
      • Sinological IPA (key): /xän³⁵ lu⁵¹/
    • (Chengdu)
      • Sichuanese Pinyin: han2 nu4
      • Scuanxua Ladinxua Xin Wenz: xanlu
      • Sinological IPA (key): /xan²¹ nu²¹³/
  • Cantonese
    • (Standard Cantonese, Guangzhou)+
      • Jyutping: hon4 lou6
      • Yale: hòhn louh
      • Cantonese Pinyin: hon4 lou6
      • Guangdong Romanization: hon4 lou6
      • Sinological IPA (key): /hɔːn²¹ lou̯²²/
  • Gan
    • (Nanchang)
      • Wiktionary: 'hon2 lu5
      • Sinological IPA (key): /ˈhɵn²⁴ lu¹¹/
  • Hakka
    • (Sixian, incl. Miaoli and Meinong)
      • Pha̍k-fa-sṳ: Hòn-lu
      • Hakka Romanization System: honˇ lu
      • Hagfa Pinyim: hon2 lu4
      • Sinological IPA: /hon¹¹ lu⁵⁵/
    • (Meixian)
      • Guangdong: hon2 lu4
      • Sinological IPA: /hɔn¹¹ lu⁵³/
  • Jin
    • (Taiyuan)+
      • Wiktionary: han1 lou3
      • Sinological IPA (old-style): /xæ̃¹¹ ləu⁴⁵/
  • Min Bei
    • (Jian'ou)
      • Kienning Colloquial Romanized: Uǐng-lū
      • Sinological IPA (key): /uiŋ²¹ lu⁵⁵/
  • Min Dong
    • (Fuzhou)
      • Bàng-uâ-cê: Hàng-ló
      • Sinological IPA (key): /haŋ⁵³⁻²¹ (l-)nˡou²¹³/
  • Min Nan
    • (Hokkien)
      • Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Hân-lō͘
      • Tâi-lô: Hân-lōo
      • Phofsit Daibuun: hanlo
      • IPA (Xiamen): /han²⁴⁻²² lɔ²²/
      • IPA (Quanzhou): /han²⁴⁻²² lɔ⁴¹/
      • IPA (Zhangzhou): /han¹³⁻²² lɔ²²/
      • IPA (Taipei): /han²⁴⁻¹¹ lɔ³³/
      • IPA (Kaohsiung): /han²³⁻³³ lɔ³³/
    • (Teochew)
      • Peng'im: guan5 lou7
      • Pe̍h-ōe-jī-like: kuâⁿ lōu
      • Sinological IPA (key): /kũã⁵⁵⁻¹¹ lou¹¹/
  • Wu
    • (Shanghainese)
      • Wiktionary: hhoe lu (T3)
      • Sinological IPA (key): /ɦø²² lv̩ʷ⁴⁴/
  • Xiang
    • (Changsha)
      • Wiktionary: han2 lou5
      • Sinological IPA (key): /xan¹³ ləu²¹⁻¹¹/

Proper noun


  1. Hanlu (one of twenty-four solar terms)
    • 夷狄之人貪而好利,被髮左衽,人面獸心。其與中國殊章服,異習俗,飲食不同,言語不通,辟居北垂寒露之野,逐草隨畜,射獵為生,隔以山谷,雍以沙幕,天地所以絕外內也。 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
      夷狄之人贪而好利,被发左衽,人面兽心。其与中国殊章服,异习俗,饮食不同,言语不通,辟居北垂寒露之野,逐草随畜,射猎为生,隔以山谷,雍以沙幕,天地所以绝外内也。 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
      From: The Book of Han, circa 1st century CE
      Yídí zhī rén tān ér hǎolì, bèifà zuǒrèn, rénmiànshòuxīn. Qí yǔ Zhōngguó shū zhāngfú, yì xísú, yǐnshí bùtóng, yányǔ bùtōng, pì jū běichuí hánlù zhī yě, zhú cǎo suí xù, shèliè wèishēng, gé yǐ shāngǔ, yōng yǐ shāmù, tiāndì suǒyǐ jué wàinèi yě. [Pinyin]
      The Yi and the Di people are greedy and desirous of gain; they wear their hair down their backs and fasten their garments on the left; they have human faces but the hearts of wild beasts. Their ceremonial garments differ from those worn in the Central States [of China]; their customs and diet differ from ours; and our languages are mutually unintelligible. They dwell far away, in the cold, on the bare lands of the north, driving their herds in pursuit of pasture, and hunting with the bow and arrow in order to sustain themselves. They are separated from us by mountains and valleys and cut off by the desert. By these means did Heaven and Earth divide inner from outer.


Sino-Xenic (寒露):
  • Japanese: 寒露(かんろ) (kanro)
  • Korean: 한로(寒露) (hallo)

See also

  • 二十四節氣二十四节气 (Èrshísì Jiéqì, “The twenty-four solar terms”):
    • Spring: 立春 (Lìchūn)、雨水 (yǔshuǐ)、驚蟄惊蛰 (Jīngzhé)、春分 (Chūnfēn)、清明 (qīngmíng)、穀雨谷雨 (Gǔyǔ)
    • Summer: 立夏 (Lìxià)、小滿小满 (Xiǎomǎn)、芒種芒种 (mángzhòng)、夏至 (xiàzhì)、小暑 (Xiǎoshǔ)、大暑 (Dàshǔ)
    • Autumn: 立秋 (Lìqiū)、處暑处暑 (Chǔshǔ)、白露 (báilù)、秋分 (Qiūfēn)、寒露 (Hánlù)、霜降 (Shuāngjiàng)
    • Winter: 立冬 (Lìdōng)、小雪 (xiǎoxuě)、大雪 (dàxuě)、冬至 (dōngzhì)、小寒 (Xiǎohán)、大寒 (Dàhán)


Kanji in this term
Grade: 3

Grade: S


  • On’yomi: Kan’on
    • IPA(key): [kã̠nɾo̞]

Proper noun

(かん)() (Kanro) 

  1. Hanlu (one of twenty-four solar terms)

See also

  • ()(じゅう)()(せっ)() (Nijūshi Sekki, The twenty-four solar terms):
    • Spring: (りっ)(しゅん) (Risshun)()(すい) (Usui)啓蟄(けいちつ) (Keichitsu)(しゅん)(ぶん) (Shunbun)清明(せいめい) (Seimei)(こく)() (Kokuu)
    • Summer: (りっ)() (Rikka)(しょう)(まん) (Shōman)芒種(ぼうしゅ) (Bōshu)夏至(げし) (Geshi)(しょう)(しょ) (Shōsho)大暑(たいしょ) (Taisho)
    • Autumn: (りっ)(しゅう) (Risshū)処暑(しょしょ) (Shosho)(はく)() (Hakuro)(しゅう)(ぶん) (Shūbun)(かん)() (Kanro)霜降(そうこう) (Sōkō)
    • Winter: 立冬(りっとう) (Rittō)(しょう)(せつ) (Shōsetsu)大雪(たいせつ) (Taisetsu)(とう)() (Tōji)(しょう)(かん) (Shōkan)大寒(だいかん) (Daikan)




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