

单词 如日方升



as (if); such as
day; sun; date
day; sun; date; day of the month; Japan (abbrev.)
square; quadrilateral; place
square; quadrilateral; place; region; direction; side; method; way; prescription; power; upright; just
to raise; to hoist; to promote
to raise; to hoist; to promote; pint
trad. (如日方升)
simp. #(如日方升)
Literally: “like the rising sun”.


From Shijing:

如月之恆、日之 [Pre-Classical Chinese, trad.]
如月之恒、日之 [Pre-Classical Chinese, simp.]
From: The Classic of Poetry, c. 11th – 7th centuries BCE, translated based on James Legge's version
Rú yuè zhī héng, rú rì zhī shēng. [Pinyin]
Like the moon advancing to the full,
Like the sun ascending the heavens.


  • Mandarin
    (Pinyin): rúrìfāngshēng
    (Zhuyin): ㄖㄨˊ ㄖˋ ㄈㄤ ㄕㄥ

  • Mandarin
    • (Standard Chinese)+
      • Hanyu Pinyin: rúrìfāngshēng
      • Zhuyin: ㄖㄨˊ ㄖˋ ㄈㄤ ㄕㄥ
      • Tongyong Pinyin: rúrìhfangsheng
      • Wade–Giles: ju2-jih4-fang1-shêng1
      • Yale: rú-r̀-fāng-shēng
      • Gwoyeu Romatzyh: ruryhfangsheng
      • Palladius: жужифаншэн (žužifanšɛn)
      • Sinological IPA (key): /ʐu³⁵ ʐ̩⁵¹ fɑŋ⁵⁵ ʂɤŋ⁵⁵/



  1. (figuratively) to have broad and bright prospects
    • 中國是如日方升的國家,這同日本帝國主義的沒落狀態恰是相反的對照。 [MSC, trad.]
      中国是如日方升的国家,这同日本帝国主义的没落状态恰是相反的对照。 [MSC, simp.]
      From: 1938, 毛澤東 (Mao Zedong), 《論持久戰》 (On Protracted War), 《毛澤東選集》. English translation based on the Foreign Languages Press edition
      Zhōngguó shì rúrìfāngshēng de guójiā, zhè tóng Rìběn dìguózhǔyì de mòluò zhuàngtài qià shì xiāngfǎn de duìzhào. [Pinyin]
      By contrast with Japanese imperialism, which is declining, China is a country rising like the morning sun.




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