to reach; to be enough to drink; to shout; to shout applause one; single; a; (before verbs) as soon as, once; (before a noun) entire (family, etc.)pot; (a measure word) really and truly; aim; clear; (possessive, modifying, or descriptive particle); oftrad. (夠喝一壺的) 夠 喝 一 壺 的 simp. (够喝一壶的) 够 喝 一 壶 的
- to make big difficulty to someone
- 你們虧得沒讓這人摻和兒這事兒,不然啊,這人夠你們喝一壺的! [dialectal Mandarin, trad.]
- Nǐmen kuīde méi ràng zhèi rén chānhuor zhèi shìr, bùrán a, zhèi rén gòu nǐmen hē yī hú de! [Pinyin]
- Fortunately you didn't let this person take part in this matter, otherwise, this person would make great troubles to you!
你们亏得没让这人掺和儿这事儿,不然啊,这人够你们喝一壶的! [dialectal Mandarin, simp.]