

单词 出づ



Kanji in this term

Grade: 1



From Old Japanese.[1][2][3]

The further shift of dzu to zu is attested for most modern Japanese dialects; see Yotsugana on Wikipedia.


  • (Tokyo) [íꜜzù] (Atamadaka – [1])[2][4]
  • IPA(key): [izɨᵝ]


出づ(いず) (izu) いづ (idu)? transitive or intransitive nidan

  1. (archaic, intransitive) to come out, go out
  2. (archaic, intransitive) to leave, depart
  3. (archaic, intransitive) to show up
  4. (archaic, intransitive) to become apparent
    • 905914, Kokin Wakashū (book 17, poem 877)
      osoku izuru tsuki ni mo aru kana ashi hiki no yama no anata mo oshimuberanari
      How slow to emerge the shining moon seems tonight! They, too, must feel loath to part from it―those others beyong the foot-wearying hills.[5]
  5. (archaic, transitive) to produce, pull out
  6. (archaic, transitive) to make apparent
    • 905914, Kokin Wakashū (book 2, poem 104)
      hana mireba kokoro sae ni zo utsurikeru iro ni ideji hito mo koso shire
      When I gaze on fading blossoms this heart, too, would fade with them: may my feelings not be seen lest others come to know.[6]
  7. (archaic, transitive, suffixed to stem or continuative form of verbs) to appear doing [verb]

Usage notes

This is the ancient form, also used somewhat in Classical Japanese. The modern equivalents are 出る (deru, intransitive) and 出す (dasu, transitive).

Although the conjugation pattern is consistently described in references[1][2][3] as 下二段活用 (shimo nidan katsuyō, lower bigrade conjugation), the existence of causative / transitive form 出だす (idasu) and compound forms such as (izumi, spring, water source, literally come out + water) and 出石 (Izushi, a place in Hyogo Prefecture, literally come out + stone) suggest an earlier 四段活用 (yodan katsuyō, quadrigrade conjugation) pattern.


Derived terms


  • (いろ)() (iro ni izu)
  • (こう)()(もん)()でず (Kōjimon o idezu)
  • (だい)(こう)()でずんば (daikō idezunba)


  • (あお)(あい)より()でて(あい)より(あお) (ao wa ai yori idete ai yori aoshi)
  • (こおり)(みず)より()でて(みず)よりも(さむ) (kōri wa mizu yori idete mizu yori mo samushi)
  • ()()()でて(だい)()あり (chie idete daigi ari)


  1. 1988, 国語大辞典(新装版) (Kokugo Dai Jiten, Revised Edition) (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Shogakukan
  2. 2006, 大辞林 (Daijirin), Third Edition (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Sanseidō, →ISBN
  3. 1995, 大辞泉 (Daijisen) (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Shogakukan, →ISBN
  4. 1998, NHK日本語発音アクセント辞典 (NHK Japanese Pronunciation Accent Dictionary) (in Japanese), Tōkyō: NHK, →ISBN
  5. Helen Craig McCullough (1985) Kokin Wakashū: The First Imperial Anthology of Japanese Poetry: with Tosa Nikki and Shinsen Waka, illustrated, reprint edition, Stanford University Press, →ISBN, page 192
  6. Haruo Shirane (2012) Traditional Japanese Literature: An Anthology, Beginnings to 1600, Abridged Edition (Translations from the Asian Classics), Columbia University Press, →ISBN, page 96

Old Japanese


From Proto-Japonic *intu.


出づ (idu) (kana いづ)

  1. (intransitive) to come out, go out
    • 711712, Kojiki (poem 3)
      ...awoyama ni pi1 ga kakuraba nubatama no2 yo1 pa idenamu...
      When the sun hides in the green mountain, the pitch-black night is about to fall.
    • 720, Nihon Shoki (poem 16)
      umasake2 Mi1wa no2 to2no2 no2 asato1 ni mo idete yukana Mi1wa no2 to2no2to1 wo
      Morning dawns at Miwa, famous for delicious sake: let us open the shrine portals and go out into the day, opening the shrine portals of Miwa.[1]
  2. (intransitive) to leave, depart
  3. (intransitive) to show up
  4. (intransitive) to become apparent
    • c. 759, Man'yōshū (book 14, poem 3368), text here
      Asigari no2 To1pi1-no2-kaputi ni iduru yu no2 yo2 ni mo tayo1rani ko1ro2 ga ipanaku ni
      (please add an English translation of this usage example)
  5. (transitive) to produce, pull out
    • c. 759, Man'yōshū (book 11, poem 2432), text here
      ko2to2 ni idete ipaba yuyusimi1 yamagapa no2 tagi1tu ko2ko2ro2 wo sekiape2te ari
      If I said out loud what moves my heart like the swift current of a mountain river, I would break a taboo.[2]
  6. (transitive) to make apparent
  7. (transitive, suffixed to stem or continuative form of verbs) to appear doing [verb]


Derived terms

  • 打ち出づ (utiidu)
  • 言に出づ (ko2to2 ni idu)
  • 秀づ (pidu)


  • Japanese: 出づ (izu)
    • 出だす (idasu)出す (dasu)
    • 出る (deru)


  1. Jin'ichi Konishi (2017), Nicholas Teele, transl.; Earl Roy Miner, editor, A History of Japanese Literature, Volume 1: The Archaic and Ancient Ages (Volume 4935 of Princeton Legacy Library), Princeton University Press, →ISBN, page 142
  2. Herbert E. Plutschow (1990) Chaos and Cosmos: Ritual in Early and Medieval Japanese Literature (Volume 1 of Brill's Japanese Studies Library), BRILL, →ISBN, page 83




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