

单词 來電


See also: 来电


to comeelectric; electricity; electrical
trad. (來電)
simp. (来电)


  • Mandarin
    (Pinyin): láidiàn
    (Zhuyin): ㄌㄞˊ ㄉㄧㄢˋ
  • Cantonese (Jyutping): loi4 din6
  • Min Nan (POJ): lâi-tiān

  • Mandarin
    • (Standard Chinese)+
      • Hanyu Pinyin: láidiàn
      • Zhuyin: ㄌㄞˊ ㄉㄧㄢˋ
      • Tongyong Pinyin: láidiàn
      • Wade–Giles: lai2-tien4
      • Yale: lái-dyàn
      • Gwoyeu Romatzyh: laidiann
      • Palladius: лайдянь (lajdjanʹ)
      • Sinological IPA (key): /laɪ̯³⁵ tjɛn⁵¹/
  • Cantonese
    • (Standard Cantonese, Guangzhou)+
      • Jyutping: loi4 din6
      • Yale: lòih dihn
      • Cantonese Pinyin: loi4 din6
      • Guangdong Romanization: loi4 din6
      • Sinological IPA (key): /lɔːi̯²¹ tiːn²²/
  • Min Nan
    • (Hokkien)
      • Pe̍h-ōe-jī: lâi-tiān
      • Tâi-lô: lâi-tiān
      • Phofsit Daibuun: lai'dien
      • IPA (Xiamen): /lai²⁴⁻²² tiɛn²²/
      • IPA (Quanzhou): /lai²⁴⁻²² tiɛn⁴¹/
      • IPA (Zhangzhou): /lai¹³⁻²² tiɛn²²/
      • IPA (Taipei): /lai²⁴⁻¹¹ tiɛn³³/
      • IPA (Kaohsiung): /lai²³⁻³³ tiɛn³³/


來電 (countable)

  1. incoming call (Classifier: )
  2. incoming telegram (Classifier: )


來⫽電 (verb-object)

  1. to telephone; to call
  2. to send a telegram here
  3. to restore power supply (after a blackout); to come back (of electricity after an outage)
    • 高雄入夜後仍有多個行政區遲遲沒來電,連手機訊號也受影響,苦不堪言。 [MSC, trad.]
      高雄入夜后仍有多个行政区迟迟没来电,连手机讯号也受影响,苦不堪言。 [MSC, simp.]
      From: 2022 March 3, 《303大停電民怨炸鍋 蔡英文總統明視察興達電廠》, on 聯合新聞網, archived on Internet Archive on 3/3/2022
      Gāoxióng rùyè hòu réng yǒu duō ge xíngzhèngqū chíchí méi láidiàn, lián shǒujī xùnhào yě shòu yǐngxiǎng, kǔbùkānyán. [Pinyin]
      After nightfall in Kaohsiung, power supply is yet to be restored in many administrative districts. Even the mobile phone signal is affected, which is miserable.
  4. (colloquial) to have instant chemistry with someone; to be attracted to someone
    他們倆不來電他们俩不来电   Tāmen liǎ bù láidiàn.   They are not attracted by each other.

Derived terms

  • 來電答鈴来电答铃 (láidiàn dálíng)
  • 未接來電未接来电 (wèijiē láidiàn)




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