

单词 世外桃源



FWOTD – 18 August 2019
life; age; generation
life; age; generation; era; world; lifetime
outside; in addition; foreign
outside; in addition; foreign; external
The Peach Blossom Land; Shangri-La; Arcadia
The Peach Blossom Land; Shangri-La; Arcadia; lotus land; utopia
trad. (世外桃源)桃源
simp. #(世外桃源)桃源
Literally: “the Peach Source outside the world”.


Based on The Peach Blossom Spring (《桃花源記》《桃花源记》) by Tao Yuanming (陶淵明陶渊明).


  • Mandarin
    (Pinyin): shìwàitáoyuán
    (Zhuyin): ㄕˋ ㄨㄞˋ ㄊㄠˊ ㄩㄢˊ
  • Cantonese (Jyutping): sai3 ngoi6 tou4 jyun4
  • Min Nan (POJ): sè-gōa-thô-goân

  • Mandarin
    • (Standard Chinese)+
      • Hanyu Pinyin: shìwàitáoyuán
      • Zhuyin: ㄕˋ ㄨㄞˋ ㄊㄠˊ ㄩㄢˊ
      • Tongyong Pinyin: shìhwàitáoyuán
      • Wade–Giles: shih4-wai4-tʻao2-yüan2
      • Yale: shr̀-wài-táu-ywán
      • Gwoyeu Romatzyh: shyhwaytauryuan
      • Palladius: шивайтаоюань (šivajtaojuanʹ)
      • Sinological IPA (key): /ʂʐ̩⁵¹⁻⁵³ waɪ̯⁵¹ tʰɑʊ̯³⁵ ɥɛn³⁵/
  • Cantonese
    • (Standard Cantonese, Guangzhou)+
      • Jyutping: sai3 ngoi6 tou4 jyun4
      • Yale: sai ngoih tòuh yùhn
      • Cantonese Pinyin: sai3 ngoi6 tou4 jyn4
      • Guangdong Romanization: sei3 ngoi6 tou4 yun4
      • Sinological IPA (key): /sɐi̯³³ ŋɔːi̯²² tʰou̯²¹ jyːn²¹/
  • Min Nan
    • (Hokkien)
      • Pe̍h-ōe-jī: sè-gōa-thô-goân
      • Tâi-lô: sè-guā-thô-guân
      • Phofsit Daibuun: sea'goaxtoi'goaan
      • IPA (Xiamen): /se²¹⁻⁵³ ɡua²²⁻²¹ tʰo²⁴⁻²² ɡuan²⁴/
      • IPA (Quanzhou): /se⁴¹⁻⁵⁵⁴ ɡua⁴¹⁻²² tʰo²⁴⁻²² ɡuan²⁴/
      • IPA (Zhangzhou): /se²¹⁻⁵³ ɡua²²⁻²¹ tʰo¹³⁻²² ɡuan¹³/
      • IPA (Taipei): /se¹¹⁻⁵³ ɡua³³⁻¹¹ tʰo²⁴⁻¹¹ ɡuan²⁴/
      • IPA (Kaohsiung): /se²¹⁻⁴¹ ɡua³³⁻²¹ tʰɤ²³⁻³³ ɡuan²³/



  1. The Peach Blossom Land; Shangri-La; Arcadia; lotus land; utopia; unexpectedly fantastic place off the beaten path, usually an unspoiled wilderness of great beauty; land of idyllic beauty; fictitious land of peace; heaven of peace and happiness; retreat away from the turmoil of the world; place for taking refuge
    • 沒有派對的日子,帕安島十分寧靜,像與世隔絕般的世外桃源,吸引了一批以靈修、瑜珈過活的年輕人移居此地,開班授徒。就連泰皇都被這世外桃源吸引 [MSC, trad.]
      没有派对的日子,帕安岛十分宁静,像与世隔绝般的世外桃源,吸引了一批以灵修、瑜珈过活的年轻人移居此地,开班授徒。就连泰皇都被这世外桃源吸引 [MSC, simp.]
      From: 2009, 談齊好, 《至smart遊14:蘇梅》, page 258
      Méiyǒu pàiduì de rìzǐ, Pà'ān Dǎo shífēn níngjìng, xiàng yǔshìgéjué bān de shìwàitáoyuán, xīyǐn le yī pī yǐ língxiū, yújiā guòhuó de niánqīngrén yíjū cǐdì, kāibān shòutú. Jiù lián tàihuáng dōu bèi zhè shìwàitáoyuán xīyǐn [Pinyin]
      On days when there are no parties, Koh Phangan is extremely serene, just like a utopia, separate from the world. It has attracted a group of young people who live engaging in spirituality and yoga to move here, set up classes and teach students. Even the Thai emperor has been attracted by this utopia


  • 桃花源 (táohuāyuán)




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