

单词 不以為然


See also: 不以为然


not; no
to use; according to; so as to
to use; according to; so as to; in order to; by; with; because; Israel (abbrev.)
because of; for; to
because of; for; to; act as; take...to be; to be; to do; to serve as; to become
so; thus; like this
so; thus; like this; ‑ly; correct; right
trad. (不以為然/不以爲然)為/爲
simp. (不以为然)


  • Mandarin
    (Pinyin): bùyǐwéirán
    (Zhuyin): ㄅㄨˋ ㄧˇ ㄨㄟˊ ㄖㄢˊ
  • Cantonese (Jyutping): bat1 ji5 wai4 jin4
  • Min Nan (POJ): put-í-ûi-liân / put-í-ûi-jiân

  • Mandarin
    • (Standard Chinese)+
      • Hanyu Pinyin: bùyǐwéirán
      • Zhuyin: ㄅㄨˋ ㄧˇ ㄨㄟˊ ㄖㄢˊ
      • Tongyong Pinyin: bùyǐwéirán
      • Wade–Giles: pu4-i3-wei2-jan2
      • Yale: bù-yǐ-wéi-rán
      • Gwoyeu Romatzyh: buyiiweiran
      • Palladius: буивэйжань (buivɛjžanʹ)
      • Sinological IPA (key): /pu⁵¹ i²¹⁴⁻²¹¹ weɪ̯³⁵ ʐän³⁵/
  • Cantonese
    • (Standard Cantonese, Guangzhou)+
      • Jyutping: bat1 ji5 wai4 jin4
      • Yale: bāt yíh wàih yìhn
      • Cantonese Pinyin: bat7 ji5 wai4 jin4
      • Guangdong Romanization: bed1 yi5 wei4 yin4
      • Sinological IPA (key): /pɐt̚⁵ jiː¹³ wɐi̯²¹ jiːn²¹/
  • Min Nan
    • (Hokkien: Xiamen, Quanzhou, Taipei)
      • Pe̍h-ōe-jī: put-í-ûi-liân
      • Tâi-lô: put-í-uî-liân
      • Phofsit Daibuun: put'yuilieen
      • IPA (Xiamen): /put̚³²⁻⁴ i⁵³⁻⁴⁴ ui²⁴⁻²² liɛn²⁴/
      • IPA (Taipei): /put̚³²⁻⁴ i⁵³⁻⁴⁴ ui²⁴⁻¹¹ liɛn²⁴/
      • IPA (Quanzhou): /put̚⁵⁻²⁴ i⁵⁵⁴⁻²⁴ ui²⁴⁻²² liɛn²⁴/
    • (Hokkien: Zhangzhou, Kaohsiung)
      • Pe̍h-ōe-jī: put-í-ûi-jiân
      • Tâi-lô: put-í-uî-jiân
      • Phofsit Daibuun: put'yuijieen
      • IPA (Zhangzhou): /put̚³²⁻⁵ i⁵³⁻⁴⁴ ui¹³⁻²² d͡ʑiɛn¹³/
      • IPA (Kaohsiung): /put̚³²⁻⁴ i⁴¹⁻⁴⁴ ui²³⁻³³ ʑiɛn²³/



  1. to not accept as correct; to disagree; to object; to disapprove
  2. to not care; to not regard as important
    • 對於這次眼睛撞傷,他顯得不以為然 [MSC, trad.]
      对于这次眼睛撞伤,他显得不以为然 [MSC, simp.]
      From: 2004, 王杰排练时太投入 左眼碰伤竟然不知道(图文), 搜狐音乐
      duìyú zhè cì yǎnjīng zhuàng shāng, tā xiǎn de bùyǐwéirán [Pinyin]
      He did not seem bothered by the eye bruise
    • 記者稱要每天批發進貨100隻左右的巴西龜,問檔主能不能及時供貨?該檔主不以為然地回答記者,別說一百隻,一千隻都可以及時供貨。 [MSC, trad.]
      记者称要每天批发进货100只左右的巴西龟,问档主能不能及时供货?该档主不以为然地回答记者,别说一百只,一千只都可以及时供货。 [MSC, simp.]
      From: 2005, 广州热销巴西龟 被列为最危险入侵物种之一(图), 信息时报
      Jìzhě chēng yào měitiān pīfā jìnhuò 100 zhī zuǒyòu de bāxīguī, wèn dàngzhǔ néng bùnéng jíshí gōnghuò? Gāi dàngzhǔ bùyǐwéirán de huídá jìzhě, bié shuō yībǎi zhī, yīqiān zhī dōu kěyǐ jíshí gōnghuò. [Pinyin]
      The reporter enquired whether the stall owner was able to supply around 100 red-eared sliders to him daily, and the stall owner casually replied that even 1000 sliders can be supplied daily, let alone 100.
    • 接到法院的通知後,陳某自知名下無登記房產,表現出一副欠債不多不以為然的態度,以沒錢還款為由推諉。 [MSC, trad.]
      接到法院的通知后,陈某自知名下无登记房产,表现出一副欠债不多不以为然的态度,以没钱还款为由推诿。 [MSC, simp.]
      From: 2018, 欠债不还 男子因6万元被判刑, 法制日报
      Jiē dào fǎyuàn de tōngzhī hòu, Chén mǒu zìzhī míngxià wú dēngjì fángchǎn, biǎoxiàn chū yī fù qiànzhài bù duō bùyǐwéirán de tàidù, yǐ méi qián huánkuǎn wéiyóu tuīwěi. [Pinyin]
      Knowing he had no properties registered under his name, Chen gave an I-didn't-owe-much-so-I-didn't-care attitude after he received the notification from the court, and shirked the issue by stating he did not have enough money to pay back.

Usage notes

The second sense is common, but is either unincluded (Xiandai Hanyu Cidian, Revised Mandarin Chinese Dictionary) or deemed an erroneous application of this idiom (Xiandai Hanyu Guifan Cidian) in standard Chinese dictionaries.

See also

  • 不以為意不以为意 (bùyǐwéiyì)




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