

单词 眼光
释义 眼光眼光[yǎn guāng]1. (视线) eye:狠毒的眼光an evil eye;锐利的眼光sharp eyes;爱慕的眼光eye-service;避开众人的眼光escape public gaze;投以惊奇的眼光throw a startled look2. (观察事物的能力) sight; foresight; insight; vision:眼光短浅shortsighted;历史眼光historical perspective;政治眼光political foresight3. (观点) view; way of looking at things:用老眼光看某人judge sb. by what he used to be;用新眼光看事view sth. in a new light;用科学眼光看待事物。Look at the matter purely from the scientific point of view.
常用词组1.眼光水平 eye-level




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