

单词 メール便



Kanji in this term
Grade: 4


From メール (mēru) + 便 (bin, mail, letter). The initial portion is from English mail.


メール便 (hiragana and katakana メールびん, rōmaji mēru bin)

  1. A type of private courier service that delivers small packages or documents to a recipient's mailbox.
    • 2015 December 11, Tomomi Fujita, “Kuro-neko mēru bin ga haishin ni natta ima, mottomo otokuna haisō sabisu wa dore? [Now that Kuro-neko mēru bin has ended, what is the most economical delivery service?]”, in Nifty:
      2015 (ねん)3 (がつ) (まつ)廃止 (はいし)となったクロネコメール便 (びん) (じゅう) (りょう)は1kg以内 (いない)、A4 (ふう) (とう) (あつ)さ1cm以内 (いない)ならば82 (えん) (あつ)さ2cmまでなら164 (えん)荷物 (にもつ) (はっ) (そう)できるという格安 (かくやす)サービスだっただけに、 () (ほう)にくれた (ひと) (おお)かっただろう。
      2015 nen 3 gatsu matsu de haishi to natta kuroneko mēru bin. Jūryō wa 1kg inai, A4 fūtō de atsusa 1cm inai naraba 82 en, atsusa 2cm made nara 164 en de nimotsu o hassō dekiru to iu kakuyasu sābisu datta dake ni, tohō ni kureta hito mo ōkatta darō.
      At the end of March 2015 Kuro-neko ended its mēru bin service. The service shipped packages under 1kg, A4 size envelopes up to 1cm thick for 82 yen and under 2cm for 164 yen, and many people were at a loss.
    • 2018 October 8 (last accessed), Baby Alice shop, “Mēru bin ni tsuite [Regarding mēru bin]”, in Rakuten:
      メール便 (びん)特性上 (とくせいうえ) (しょう) (ひん)をお客様 (きゃくさま)のポストに ()れた () (てん)配達完了 (はいたつかんりょう)となるため、直接 (ちょくせつ)手元 (てもと) (とど)いたかどうかという確認 (かくにん) () ()ません。
      Mēru bin no tokusei ue, shōhin o okyakusama no posuto ni ireta jiten de haitatsu kanryō to naru tame, chokusetsu otemoto ni todoita ka dōka toiu kakunin ga dekimasen.
      A peculiarity of mēru bin is, because delivery is considered complete once the article has been put into the customer's post box, you cannot confirm whether or not it has directly reached their hands.




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