

单词 beyond the pale

beyond the pale


WOTD – 24 March 2022


From beyond + the + pale (wooden stake, picket; fence made from wooden stakes, palisade; bounds, limits; territory or defensive area within a specific boundary or under a given jurisdiction), suggesting that anything outside an authority’s jurisdiction is uncivilized.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, there is insufficient evidence that the term originally referred to the English Pale, the part of Ireland directly under the control of the English government in the Late Middle Ages; or to the Pale of Settlement which existed from 1791 to 1917 in the Russian Empire, where Jewish people were mostly relegated to living. The first attestation of this English translation of Черта́ осе́длости in the OED is 1890.[1] Google n-gram shows a fivefold increase in the use of the expression from 1801–1864.[2]


  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /bɪˌjɒnd ðə ˈpeɪl/
  • (General American) IPA(key): /biˌ(j)ɑnd ðə ˈpeɪl/
  • (file)
  • Rhymes: -eɪl
  • Hyphenation: be‧yond the pale

Prepositional phrase

beyond the pale

  1. (idiomatic) Of a person or their behaviour: outside the bounds of what is acceptable, or regarded as good judgment, morality, ethics, etc.
    Synonyms: out of bounds, off-limits
    Antonym: within the pale
    • 1900, Arthur Conan Doyle, The Great Boer War, page 409:
      The very date which put them beyond the pale as belligerents was that which they seem to have chosen in order to prove what active and valiant soldiers they still remained.
    • 1945, John Steinbeck, Cannery Row, page 105:
      Socially Mack and the boys were beyond the pale. Sam Malloy didn't speak to them as they went by the boiler. They drew into themselves and no one could foresee how they would come out of the cloud. For there are two possible reactions to social ostracism - either a man emerges determined to be better, purer, and kindlier or he goes bad, challenges the world and does even worse things. This last is by far the commonest reaction to stigma.
    • 1951, William O. Douglas, quoted in 2013, Whitney Strub, Perversion for Profit: The Politics of Pornography and the Rise of the New Right, page 43,
      “The teaching of methods of terror and other seditious conduct should be beyond the pale,” he continued, adding as an afterthought, “along with obscenity and immorality.”
    • 2012, Patricia Hewitt, 3: The Start of Labour's Long March:1985-1992, Dennis Kavanagh (editor), Philip Gould: An Unfinished Life, page 42,
      For most British voters – the people whom Labour claimed to represent – Labour was, quite simply, ‘beyond the pale’.
  2. Used other than as an idiom; generally followed by of: beyond the extent or limits.
    Synonyms: out of bounds, off-limits
    Antonym: within the pale
    • 1812, Edward William Grinfield, The Nature and Extent of the Christian Dispensation with Reference to the Salvability of the Heathen, page 35:
      Are they to be placed like devils beyond the pale of all human charities, and to be denied all kindly and benevolent offices?
    • 2000, Raechelle Rubinstein, Beyond the Realm of the Senses: The Balinese Ritual of Kakawin Composition, page 103:
      [] but he was essentially a lone traveller in areas beyond the pale of human society.
    • 2012, David M. Emmons, Beyond the American Pale: The Irish in the West, 1845-1910, page 4:
      That they had evinced no desire to be Britons, and had made manifest their aversion by holding tenaciously to their Catholicism, only confirmed the wisdom of their consignment beyond the pale.
    • 2012, Tony Kushner, Kenneth Lunn, The Politics of Marginality: Race, the Radical Right and Minorities in Twentieth Century Britain, page 143:
      In addition it calls into question the common assumption that the holocaust destroyed British anti-Semitism or at least pushed it beyond the pale of respectability.
    • 2013, Heidi Ravven, The Self Beyond Itself: An Alternative History of Ethics, the New Brain Sciences, and the Myth of Free Will, unnumbered page:
      We can even discern the outlines of the hidden and disguised religious character of the argument, for the move that Broad makes is not so much to debate Spinoza but to put him beyond the pale of acceptable, legitimate philosophical opinion.



  1. beyond the pale” under pale, n.1”, in OED Online , Oxford, Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press, December 2021; beyond the pale, phrase”, in Lexico, Dictionary.com; Oxford University Press, 2019–2022.
  2. beyond the pale at Google Ngram Viewer

Further reading

  • Beyond the Pale (disambiguation) on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
  • Michael Quinion (created 8 February 2003, last updated 20 November 2010), Beyond the pale”, in World Wide Words.




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