

单词 ἀποδίδωμι


Ancient Greek


From ἀπο- (apo-, from) + δῐ́δωμῐ (dídōmi, to give).


  • (5th BCE Attic) IPA(key): /a.po.dí.dɔː.mi/
  • (1st CE Egyptian) IPA(key): /a.poˈdi.do.mi/
  • (4th CE Koine) IPA(key): /a.poˈði.ðo.mi/
  • (10th CE Byzantine) IPA(key): /a.poˈði.ðo.mi/
  • (15th CE Constantinopolitan) IPA(key): /a.poˈði.ðo.mi/


ἀποδίδωμι (apodídōmi)

  1. to give up or back, restore, return, to render what is due, pay
    • 800 BCE – 600 BCE, Homer, Iliad 4.478
    • 800 BCE – 600 BCE, Homer, Iliad 9.387
    • 300 BCE – 200 BCE, Septuagint, Numbers 5.7
    • 460 BCE – 420 BCE, Herodotus, Histories 4.119
    • 522 BCE – 443 BCE, Pindar, Nemean Ode 7.64
    • 460 BCE – 420 BCE, Herodotus, Histories 2.136
    • 405 BCE, Aristophanes, The Frogs 270
    • 460 BCE – 395 BCE, Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War 3.70.5
    • 430 BCE – 354 BCE, Xenophon, Memorabilia 2.2.10
    • 460 BCE – 420 BCE, Herodotus, Histories 1.13
    • 389 BCE – 314 BCE, Aeschines, Against Ctesiphon 85
    • 445 BCE – 380 BCE, Lysias, Against Philon 24
    • 460 BCE – 395 BCE, Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War 2.40
    • 436 BCE – 338 BCE, Isocrates, Archidamus 73
    • 430 BCE – 354 BCE, Xenophon, Hellenica 7.1.30
    • 800 BCE – 600 BCE, Homer, Odyssey 2.78
    • 424 BCE, Aristophanes, The Knights 1066
    • 460 BCE – 395 BCE, Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War 3.63
    1. to assign
      • 380 BCE, Plato, The Republic 456B
      • 384 BCE – 322 BCE, Aristotle, Rhetoric 1.1.7
      • 384 BCE – 322 BCE, Aristotle, Generation of Animals 3.10.6
      1. to refer to one, as belonging to his department
        • 428 BCE – 347 BCE, Plato, Laws 765B
        • 436 BCE – 338 BCE, Isocrates, Against Callimachus 6, (compare Lysias, Against the Corn Dealers 2)
    2. to return, render, yield
      • 460 BCE – 420 BCE, Herodotus, Histories 1.193
      • 342 BCE – 290 BCE, Menander, The Farmer 4
      • 384 BCE – 322 BCE, Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics 2.6.2
      • 416 BCE, Euripides, Herakles 489
    3. to concede, allow, to suffer or allow a person to do
      • 460 BCE – 395 BCE, Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War 1.144
      • 349 BCE, Demosthenes, Second Olynthiac 30
      • 384 BCE – 322 BCE, Demosthenes, Against Aristocrates 56
      • 384 BCE – 322 BCE, Aristotle, Politics 8.7.2
      • 389 BCE – 314 BCE, Aeschines, Against Ctesiphon 54
    4. (like ἀποδείκνυμι (apodeíknumi)) to render or make
      • 436 BCE – 338 BCE, Isocrates, To Demonicus 46
      • 384 BCE – 322 BCE, Aristotle, Generation of Animals 2.1.23
      • 384 BCE – 322 BCE, Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics 2.1.8
      1. to exhibit, display
        • 440 BCE – 390 BCE, Andocides, On the Mysteries 109
        • 384 BCE – 322 BCE, Aristotle, Poetics 15.11
    5. to deliver over, give up
      • 480 BCE – 406 BCE, Euripides, Cyclops 239
      • 480 BCE – 411 BCE, Antiphon of Rhamnus, Third Tetralogy 4.11
    6. to deliver
      • 460 BCE – 395 BCE, Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War 7.10
    7. to bring to a conclusion, wind it up
      • 396 BCE – 323 BCE, Lycurgus of Athens, Collected Works 149
    8. to render, give an account
      • 384 BCE – 322 BCE, Demosthenes, Against Aphobus 1 48
      • 330 BCE, Demosthenes, On the Crown 137
    9. to render, give an account, to define, interpret
      • 384 BCE – 322 BCE, Aristotle, Rhetoric 1.2.5
      • 384 BCE – 322 BCE, Aristotle, Categories 5.9
      • 384 BCE – 322 BCE, Aristotle, Metaphysics 6.16.6
      • 384 BCE – 322 BCE, Aristotle, On the Soul 1.2.14
      • 384 BCE – 322 BCE, Aristotle, On the Soul 1.1.16
    10. to attach or append, make dependent upon
      • 10 CE – 70 CE, Hero, Automata 266.17
      • 10 CE – 70 CE, Hero, Automata 249.1
    11. to affirm
      • 384 BCE – 322 BCE, Aristotle, Topics 5.1.3
  2. (intransitive) to increase
    • 460 BCE – 420 BCE, Herodotus, Histories 2.13
    1. to return, recur
      • 384 BCE – 322 BCE, Aristotle, Generation of Animals 1.18.2
      • 384 BCE – 322 BCE, Aristotle, History of Animals 7.6.6
    2. (in rhetoric and grammar)
      • 384 BCE – 322 BCE, Aristotle, Rhetoric 3.11.13
      • 60 BCE – 7 BCE, Dionysius of Halicarnassus, On the Admirable Style of Demosthenes 9
      1. to be construed with, refer to
        • 388 BCE, Aristophanes, Plutus 538
  3. (middle) to give away of one's own will, to sell
    • 460 BCE – 420 BCE, Herodotus, Histories 1.70
    • 460 BCE – 420 BCE, Herodotus, Histories 2.56
    • 446 BCE – 386 BCE, Aristophanes, The Acharnians 830
    • 421 BCE, Aristophanes, Peace 1237
    • 428 BCE – 347 BCE, Plato, Phaedo 98B
    • 389 BCE – 314 BCE, Aeschines, Against Timarchus 96
    • 460 BCE – 420 BCE, Herodotus, Histories 6.89
    • 384 BCE – 322 BCE, Demosthenes, Against Aristogiton 1 47
    • 430 BCE – 354 BCE, Xenophon, Hellenica 2.3.48
    • 384 BCE – 322 BCE, Demosthenes, Against Leptines 60
    • 460 BCE – 395 BCE, Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War 6.62


  • ἀπόδοσις (apódosis)


  • ἀποδίδωμι in Liddell & Scott (1940) A Greek–English Lexicon, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • ἀποδίδωμι in Liddell & Scott (1889) An Intermediate Greek–English Lexicon, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • ἀποδίδωμι in Autenrieth, Georg (1891) A Homeric Dictionary for Schools and Colleges, New York: Harper and Brothers
  • ἀποδίδωμι in Bailly, Anatole (1935) Le Grand Bailly: Dictionnaire grec-français, Paris: Hachette
  • ἀποδίδωμι in Cunliffe, Richard J. (1924) A Lexicon of the Homeric Dialect: Expanded Edition, Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, published 1963
  • ἀποδίδωμι in the Diccionario Griego–Español en línea (2006–2019)
  • ἀποδίδωμι in Slater, William J. (1969) Lexicon to Pindar, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter
  • G591 in Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance to the Bible, 1979
  • ἀποδίδωμι in Trapp, Erich, et al. (1994–2007) Lexikon zur byzantinischen Gräzität besonders des 9.-12. Jahrhunderts [the Lexicon of Byzantine Hellenism, Particularly the 9th–12th Centuries], Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften




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