

单词 ḏꜣḏꜣt




  • (modern Egyptological) IPA(key): /d͡ʒɑd͡ʒɑt/
    • Conventional anglicization: djadjat



  1. council, assembly, especially of magistrates; tribunal
    • c. 1550 BCE – 1295 BCE, Great Hymn to Osiris (Stela of Amenmose, Louvre C 286) lines 17–18:

      sḥww n.f ḏꜣḏꜣt mꜣꜥt psḏt nb-r-ḏr ḏs.f nbw mꜣꜥt zmꜣyw jm.s mkḥꜣyw jsft snḏmw m wsḫt nt gbb r rdjt jꜣwt n nb.s (n)syt n mꜣꜥt.s n.f
      The Tribunal of Maat was convened for him: the Ennead, the Lord of All himself, and the possessors of righteousness who were united in it, who scorn wrongdoing, sitting in the hall of Geb to give the office to its owner and the kingship to the one to whom it justly belonged.
    • c. 725 BCE, Victory Stela of Piye (Cairo JE 48862), line 97:[1]

      drp ḏꜣḏꜣt ḥwt-kꜣ-ptḥ
      presenting an offering to the assembly (of gods) of the temple of Ptah


Alternative forms


  • Erman, Adolf; Grapow, Hermann (1931) Wörterbuch der ägyptischen Sprache, volume 5, Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, →ISBN, page 528.1–529.20
  • Faulkner, Raymond (1962) A Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian, Oxford: Griffith Institute, →ISBN, page 319
  1. Schäfer, Heinrich (1905–1908) Urkunden des ägyptischen Altertums III: Urkunden der älteren Äthiopenkönige, Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs’sche Buchhandlung, page 35




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