

单词 生产
释义 生产生产[shēng chǎn]1. (使用工具创造生产、生活资料) produce; manufacture:生产粮食produce grain;生产石油produce petroleum2. (生孩子) give birth to a child; childbirth; delivery; labour; parturition; travail:她快生产了。She'll be having a baby.; She's expecting a baby.; She's going to have a baby.她因生产而死。She died in child birth.3. (创造生产、生活资料的活动) production:控制 ... 的生产control production of ...;削减生产curtail production;加速生产step up production;成批生产mass serial production;增加生产boost production;生产的深度和广度scale [range] and quality of production
常用词组1.生产按人口计算 per capita production;2.生产补助 extra allowances for living expenses; subsistence allowance;3.生产不足 underproduction;4.生产布局 distribution of production;5.生产测井 production logging;6.生产层 paystreak; pay bed;7.生产层系 productive series;8.生产厂房 factory;9.生产操作摄影仪 chronocyclegraph;10.生产城市 production city;11.生产成本 production costs; manufacturing cost; factor payments; cost of production;12.生产成果 production results;13.生产程序 production routine;14.生产大队 production brigade;15.生产单位 productive establishment;16.生产单位成本 unit cost production; 17.“生产到顶” “ production has reached its limit”;18.生产调度 production scheduling;19.生产定额 production quota [target]; job rates; performance standard; output target [quota];20.生产堆 production reactor;21.生产队 production team;22.生产额 delivery capacity;23.生产发展基金 fund for the development of production; production development funds;24.生产方式 mode of production;25.生产废料 production waste;26.生产个体 productive establishment;27.生产工程师 manufacturing engineer;28.生产工程学 {工} production engineering;29.生产工人 productive labourer; production worker; productive worker;30.生产工业 manufacture;31.生产工艺 productive technology;32.生产工艺设计 design;33.生产工作区 active workings;34.生产骨干 the backbone of production;35.生产关系 relations of production; production relations;36.生产规划 production planning;37.生产过剩 overproduction;38.生产函数 production function;39.生产环境 production environment; (整体的)40.生产活动 industry;41.生产积极性 enthusiasm for production;42.生产基因 producer gene;43.生产机制 production mechanism;44.生产集约化 production intensification;45.生产集中 concentration of production;46.生产技能 production skills;47.生产记录 record of production;48.生产价格 production prices;49.生产监督 production supervision;50.生产检查台 toll service observation board;51.生产建设兵团 Production and Construction Corps of the Chinese People's Liberation Army; army production corps;52.生产建设性支出 portion of state expenditures for production and construction;53.生产建设资金 production and construction funds;54.生产结构 production mix;55.生产进度表 production schedule;56.生产经营活动 production and operating activities;57.生产经营活动方案 production and business programme;58.生产井 producer;59.生产竞赛 production emulation [campaign; drive];60.生产救灾 help relief work through production;61.生产决策 decision to produce;62.生产均衡 production smoothing;63.生产勘探 productive prospecting;64.生产科研联合体 joint production and scientific research complexes;65.生产可能性边缘 production-possibility frontier;66.生产宽容度 tolerance level in production;67.生产矿井测量 operating mine survey;68.生产劳动特殊 productive labour in particular;69.生产劳动一般 productive labour in general;70.生产联合企业 production cartel;71.生产量 production capacity; production quantity;72.生产林 production forest;73.生产流程 flow of production; work flow;74.生产流程信息管理学 rheocrematics;75.生产流水线均衡编排 line balancing;76.生产流水作业设备 production run equipment;77.生产论 production theory;78.生产煤巷 active entry;79.生产门类 lines of production;80.生产密度 production density;81.生产面 production surface;82.生产模版 production master;83.生产模型 production models;84.生产能 productive energy;85.生产年份 productive year;86.生产批量 production lot;87.生产品类 product line;88.生产普查 census of production;89.生产期 paturition;90.生产企业 manufacturing enterprises;91.生产潜力 productive potentials; productive potentialities; latent productive capacity;92.生产三要素 (劳动力、劳动资料和劳动对象) three elements of production -- the labourer, the means of labour and the objects;93.生产商业化 commercialization of production;94.生产社会化 socialization of production; social character of production;95.生产设备 production facility;96.生产设计 production design;97.生产事故 production accident;98.生产试验 pilot production;99.生产收益 proceedings from production;100.生产手段 means of production;101.生产税 produce tax;102.生产瘫痪 parturient paresis; milk fever; lambing sickness;103.生产调整 production adjustment;104.生产突击队 frontline production brigade; shock force in production;105.生产无定额 not fixed production quota;106.生产物资 producer goods;107.生产效率 efficacy; output; production efficiency;108.生产效益 productivity effect;109.生产信用 productive credit;110.生产信息控制系统 production information and control system;111.生产许可证 system of state licences for the manufacture;112.生产掩模 production mask;113.生产延续报告 report of manufacturing delays;114.生产有机构成 organic composition of production;115.生产运动 production campaign;116.生产运行 production run;117.生产责任制 responsibility system for production; system of production responsibility; system of responsibility for production; production responsibility system;118.生产指标 production quota [target]; output target;119.生产指挥权 the direction rights in production;120.生产指挥系统 chain of command in production; production command system;121.生产指示图表 process chart;122.生产指数单位成本 production index unit cost;123.生产种子 seeding;124.生产周期 production cycle;125.生产主任 works manager;126.生产主体的劳动者 workers constituting the backbone of production;127.生产专业化 specialization in production; specialization of production;128.生产资本 producer capital; productive capital; production capital;129.生产总值 total output value




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