甚低频通信 very low freqency (VLF) communication;
甚低频: 甚低频通信 very low freqency (VLF) communication;
(眼泪纷纷落下的样子) (tears) streaming [trickling] down
(眼球的旋转运动) vergence
(眼睛因困倦眯成一条缝) half-closed:
(眼睛的神采) gaze; look:
(眼红) be jealous of sb.:
(眼镜架) spectacles frame
(眼镜) eyeglasses
(着儿; 办法; 计策) trick; move
(着想) have consideration for:
(睡午觉) take [have] a nap after lunch
(睡得踏实) soundly:
(睡眠状态) state of being asleep
(睡觉; 住宿) go to bed; put up for the night
(瞧不起) belittle; despise:
(瞻仰) pay homage (at a monument, mausoleum, etc.)
(矢量)作用线 position; line of action; action line;
(知识不足、技术不高的人) smatterer
(知识不足、技术不高) have a smattering of a subject
(知识丰富) learned; erudite
(矫正字形) correct a wrongly written character or a misspelt word
(短暂的时间) in a short while; all at once; all of a sudden:
(短线) an odd piece of thread; thrum
(矮立柜) a cupboard that also serves as a table; sideboard
(石头山上凿成的台阶) steps cut on a rocky mountain
(石方工程) stonework; rock excavation:
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