球形总日射表 ball pyranometer
球形: 球形总日射表 ball pyranometer
(写作) write:
(写信) write a letter
(写出; 列出) draw up:
(写在字画前后的文字) short comments, annotations, etc. on a scroll (of painting or calligraphy)
(写意见和指示) make comments and instructions; write an official comment
(写文章时不直书其事的笔法) deliberate digression in writing
(写文章) write an essay
(写标签) write the title of a book on a label to be stuck on the cover
(写着字的小纸片) card; note
(军事力量) military force; armed might; armed strength; force of arms:
(军事秘密) military secret:
(军事要地) strategic gateway (to an important centre or a major city)
(军服上的)金属饰带 aiguilethe; aiguillette;
(军队溃散) be routed; flee; put to rout:
(军队长期居住的地方) barracks
(军队) divide into squads
(农作物收成平常的年头儿) average year (in crop yield)
(农具)悬挂装置 suspension linkage
(农历12月有30天的年份) a lunar year in which the last month has 30 days
(农历十月的气候) balmy weather in the tenth lunar month
(农历) the ninth month of the lunar year; the ninth moon
(农历) the second month of the lunar year; the second moon
(农历) the tenth month of the lunar year; the tenth moon
(农历) the twelfth month of the lunar year; the twelfth moon
(农忙时的加餐) extra meal in the daytime during the busy farming season
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更新时间:2025/3/10 18:36:48