环境预报 environmental prediction;
环境: 环境预报 environmental prediction;
(借指旅途) journey:
(值得喜欢和庆贺的事) happy event
(值得注意或推敲的内容) careful study:
(值得自豪的人或事物) pride:
(假借某种名义) support; prop; backing
(假托的理由) excuse; pretext; cop-out:
(假期里回校参加活动) return to school during the vacation to have homework checked or to take part in school activities
(假藉的名义) pretense; cover; front:
(假装) pretend; feign
(偏于一方面, 发展不均匀) lopsided (development, etc.)
(偏爱)be prone
(偏袒一方) be partial (in mediation)
(做事不仔细、 有始无终的人) tactless and impulsive person
(做事不大胆) be overcautious; shrink from doing sth.; become irresolute and passive; not dare to act boldly; timid and flinching:
(做事的诀窍; 方法) way to do sth.; knack:
(做事的诀窍) knack; way; know-how; trick of the trade:
(做出决定) have the final say; give the final verdict:
(做媒) act as go-between; act as matchmaker
(做小型试验的地方) a place where an experiment is made; experimental unit
(做得不完善而重做) make up for
(做文章、说话等从侧面着手的方法) (of writing style, talking, etc.) setting about in a roundabout way
(做文章时对材料取舍安排) cut out unwanted material (from a piece of writing); prune:
(做法) way of doing things; course of action; practice
(做第一笔交易) the first transaction of a day's business
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