

单词 پرسیدن


See also: ترسیدن



From Middle Persian 𐭯𐭥𐭥𐭮𐭩𐭲𐭭 (pʿʿsytn /pursīdan/), from Old Persian 𐎱𐎼𐎿𐎠𐎷𐎹 (p-r-s-a-mi-y /pạrsāmiy/, to ask, punish, 1sg.pres.act.), from Proto-Iranian *pr̥sáti[1], from Proto-Indo-Iranian *pr̥šćáti, from Proto-Indo-European *pr̥sḱéti.

Cognate to Northern Kurdish pirsîn, Sanskrit पृच्छति (pṛcchati), Russian проси́ть (prosítʹ), Old English friġnan.


  • (Classical Persian): IPA(key): /puɾsiːdan/
  • (Dari): IPA(key): /pʊɾsiːdan/
  • (Iranian Persian): IPA(key): /poɾsiːdæn/
  • (Tajik): IPA(key): /puɾsidan/


Iranian Persian
Tajikпурсидан (pursidan)

پُرسیدَن (porsidan) (present stem پُرس (pors))

  1. to ask, inquire
    اگر سؤالی دارید، لطفا بپرسید. (literary)
    agar so'âli dârid, lotfan be-porsid.
    If you have a question, please ask.
    اگه یه سؤالی دارین، لطفا بپرسین. (colloquial)
    age ye so'âli dârin, lotfan bo-porsin.
    If you have a question, please ask.
    • c. 1260s, Jalāl ad-Dīn Mohammad Rūmī, Reynold A. Nicholson, transl., مثنوی معنوی [Masnavi-ye-Ma'navi], volume II, verse 3178:
      از وطن پرسید و آوردش به گفت، و اندر آن پرسش بسی درها بسفت
      az vatan porsid va âvard-eš be goft, va andar ân porseš basi dor-hâ be-soft.
      He asked him about his native land and led him to talk and said many fine things in the course of [his] enquiry.
    Synonym: سؤال کردن (so'âl kardan)
  2. to question


Derived terms

  • پرسان (porsân)
  • پرسش (porseš)
  • پرسش‌نامه (porsešnâme)
  • پرسمان (porsemân)
  • پرسیدنی (porsidani)


  1. Cheung, Johnny (2007), “*fras/prs”, in Etymological Dictionary of the Iranian Verb (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 2), Leiden, Boston: Brill, →ISBN, page 88

Further reading

  • Dehkhoda, Ali-Akbar (1931–), پرسیدن”, in Dehkhoda Dictionary Institute, editors, Dehkhoda Dictionary (in Persian), Tehran: University of Tehran Press
  • Hayyim, Sulayman (1934), پرسیدن”, in New Persian–English dictionary, Teheran: Librairie-imprimerie Béroukhim
  • Lambton, Ann K.S. (1954) Persian Vocabulary, London: Cambridge University Press, page 32
  • Steingass, Francis Joseph (1892), پرسیدن”, in A Comprehensive Persian–English dictionary, London: Routledge & K. Paul




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