

单词 نجب


See also: نحت, نجت, and نحب


Etymology 1

From the root ن ج ب (n-j-b).


نَجُبَ (najuba) I, non-past يَنْجُبُ‎ (yanjubu)

  1. to prosper, to prevail, to be excelling
    • c. 1200, يحيى بن محمد بن أحمد بن العوام‎ [Yaḥyā ibn muḥammad ibn ʾaḥmad ibn al-ʿawwām], José Antonio Banqueri, editor, كتاب الفلاحة [Book on Agriculture], volume 1, Madrid: Imprenta Real, published 1802IA, Cap. 7, Art. 38, page 333–334:
      فأما غراسة الميس وهو القيقب وهو ضرب من النشم وإن الذكر هو النشم الأسود وثمره حب صغار سود مدحرجة في داخلها نواة. تؤكل في أكتوبر وفيها بعض الحلاوة وخشبه جيد للسروج ولغير ذلك. وتوافقه المواضع الرطبة وكل الأرض وينجب في كل مكان إلا في الأرض السوداء الحارة.
      In what concerns planting of nettle trees it is the hackberry and it is a sort of elm and the male is the black elm and its fruits are small, black, rotund berries with pips in its inner. They are eaten during October and are endowed with sweetness and its wood is good for saddles and other things. Moist spots and every earth is apt for it, and it prospers on every place except on dark, hot earth.
    • c. 1200, يحيى بن محمد بن أحمد بن العوام‎ [Yaḥyā ibn muḥammad ibn ʾaḥmad ibn al-ʿawwām], José Antonio Banqueri, editor, كتاب الفلاحة [Book on Agriculture], volume 2, Madrid: Imprenta Real, published 1802IA, Cap. 29, Art. 15, pages 386–387:
      والشكوس قال أبو الخير وغيره هو الورد الفحصيّ وقيل البريّ وهو نوعان أحدهما يسمّى بالعجميّة الرحبل ورقه في قدر ورق الزيتون وأطول وأعرض أغبر أحرش وأغصانه خشنة صلبة إلى البياض ما هي تطلع في زمن الربيع نوره كالورد حمراء فائتة وفي وسطها صفرة وهذا هو المسمّى الورد الفحصيّ ويقال إن الورد إن ركب فيه فينجب والنوع الثاني من الشكوس ورقه أصغر من ورق الأول وأشدّ خضرة وهو أحرش بين الاستدار والطول وأغضانه إلى الحمراء ما هي تطلع وردا أبيضا ناصعة في وسطها وكلاهما لاحق بالأشجار.
      And the rockrose, say Abū al-Ḵayr and others, is the field rose, and also the land rose, it is said, and there are two kinds: One is called in Berber raḥbal and its leaves are of the dimensions of the leaves of the olive but longer and wider, more gray and rugged, and its branches are rough, stiff and lean into white, and in spring it blossoms in roses of a red hue you almost miss, and in their mid there is yellow and this is called field rose, and it is said that if a rose is grafted onto it it will prevail. The second kind of rockrose has smaller leaves than the first, of a more intense green, and it is more rugged around and along, and its branches lean into red and spawn white roses, vivid in the middle. And both liaise with trees.


نَجَّبَ (najjaba) II, non-past يُنَجِّبُ‎ (yunajjibu)

  1. (Can we verify(+) this sense?) to beget, to sire, to bear (female or male)
    Synonym: (more common) أَنْجَبَ (ʾanjaba)


نَجَب (najab) m

  1. exquisite bark of a tree, e. g. cassia


نَجْب (najb)

  1. prospering, prevailing, excelling


نَجُبْ (najub) (form I)

  1. first-person plural non-past active jussive of جَابَ (jāba)


نُجَبْ (nujab) (form I)

  1. first-person plural non-past passive jussive of جَابَ (jāba)


نَجُبُّ (najubbu) (form I)

  1. first-person plural non-past active indicative of جَبَّ (jabba)


نَجُبَّ (najubba) (form I)

  1. first-person plural non-past active subjunctive of جَبَّ (jabba)
  2. first-person plural non-past active jussive of جَبَّ (jabba)


نَجُبِّ (najubbi) (form I)

  1. first-person plural non-past active jussive of جَبَّ (jabba)


نُجَبُّ (nujabbu) (form I)

  1. first-person plural non-past passive indicative of جَبَّ (jabba)


نُجَبَّ (nujabba) (form I)

  1. first-person plural non-past passive subjunctive of جَبَّ (jabba)
  2. first-person plural non-past passive jussive of جَبَّ (jabba)


نُجَبِّ (nujabbi) (form I)

  1. first-person plural non-past passive jussive of جَبَّ (jabba)


نَجِبُ (najibu) (form I)

  1. first-person plural non-past active indicative of وَجَبَ (wajaba)


نَجِبَ (najiba) (form I)

  1. first-person plural non-past active subjunctive of وَجَبَ (wajaba)


نَجِبْ (najib) (form I)

  1. first-person plural non-past active jussive of وَجَبَ (wajaba)


نُجِبْ (nujib) (form IV)

  1. first-person plural non-past active jussive of أَجَابَ (ʾajāba)


نُجَبْ (nujab) (form IV)

  1. first-person plural non-past passive jussive of أَجَابَ (ʾajāba)




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