

单词 激动
释义 激动激动[jī dòng]1.excite; stir; agitate; sensation; work up; agitation; excitement; {无脊椎} activation:非常激动be greatly [much] excited;激动得流下眼泪be moved to tears;激动地说speak in an agitated tone; say with feeling;激动人心的讲话a stirring speech; a rousing speech;克制激动情绪combat excitement;令人激动的场面an inspiring scene;情绪激动be excited; get worked up;我认为我成功地掩饰了内心的激动。I think I successfully concealed my inner excitement.他们无法抑制自己的激动。They couldn't restrain their excitement.她激动得浑身发抖。She was shaking with emotion.
常用词组1.激动毒 activator;2.激动剂 agonist;3.激动素 {动} kinetin; activator;4.激动药 excitomotor; excitomotory




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