

单词 خام


See also: حام, جام, and چام

Ottoman Turkish


Borrowed from Persian خام (xâm, raw).


خام (ham)

  1. raw, uncooked, not cooked
    Synonym: چیك (çiğ)
  2. raw, crude, unrefined
  3. unripe, immature, green
  4. untrained, unaccustomed to work
  5. inexperienced, raw, unseasoned
  6. ill-considered, unreasonable

Derived terms

  • خاملق (hamlık, rawness; unripeness)


  • Turkish: ham

Further reading

  • Çağbayır, Yaşar (2007), ham”, in Ötüken Türkçe Sözlük (in Turkish), volume 1, Istanbul: Ötüken Neşriyat, page 1855
  • Kélékian, Diran (1911), خام”, in Dictionnaire turc-français, Constantinople: Mihran, page 529
  • Meninski, Franciszek à Mesgnien (1687), Crudus”, in Complementum thesauri linguarum orientalium, seu onomasticum latino-turcico-arabico-persicum, simul idem index verborum lexici turcico-arabico-persici, quod latinâ, germanicâ, aliarumque linguarum adjectâ nomenclatione nuper in lucem editum, Vienna, column 304
  • Meninski, Franciszek à Mesgnien (1680), خام”, in Thesaurus linguarum orientalium, Turcicae, Arabicae, Persicae, praecipuas earum opes à Turcis peculiariter usurpatas continens, nimirum Lexicon Turkico-Arabico-Persicum, Vienna, column 1845
  • Nişanyan, Sevan (2002–), ham”, in Nişanyan Sözlük
  • Redhouse, James W. (1890), خام”, in A Turkish and English Lexicon, Constantinople: A. H. Boyajian, page 825



From Persian خام (xām). Doublet of اوم which was inherited.


  • IPA(key): /xɑm/


خام (xâm)

  1. raw, uncooked (of food)
  2. unpaved (of a road)
  3. unripe (of fruit)


  • اوم



From Middle Persian [script needed] (hʾm /xām/, crude, raw), from Proto-Iranian *HaHmáh, ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *h₂eh₃mós (raw, uncooked). Compare Pashto اوم (um, raw, uncooked), Sanskrit आम (āma, raw, uncooked), Ancient Greek ὠμός (ōmós, raw, crude).


  • (Classical Persian): IPA(key): /xɑːm/
  • (Dari): IPA(key): /xɒːm/
  • (Iranian Persian): IPA(key): /xɒːm/
  • (Tajik): IPA(key): /xɔːm/


Iranian Persian
Tajikхом (xom)

خام (xâm) (comparative خام‌تَر (xâm-tar), superlative خام‌تَرین (xâm-tarin))

  1. raw; crude; uncooked; unrefined
    گوشت خامgušt-e xâmraw meat
    لاستیک خامlâstik-e xâmraw rubber
    سنگ خامsang-e xâmraw ore
    • c. 1260s, Jalāl ad-Dīn Mohammad Rūmī, Reynold A. Nicholson, transl., مثنوی معنوی [Masnavi-ye-Ma'navi], volume III, verse 129:
      عاقبت تو رفت خواهی ناتمام
      کارهاات ابتر و نان تو خام
      'âqebat to raft xâhi nâtamâm
      kâr-hâ-yat abtar o nân-e to xâm
      At the end you will depart incomplete, your affairs marred and your bread unbaked.
  2. fresh; green; inexperienced, untrained
    • c. 1260s, Jalāl ad-Dīn Mohammad Rūmī, Reynold A. Nicholson, transl., مثنوی معنوی [Masnavi-ye-Ma'navi], volume III, verse 4457:
      زان بگرداند به هر سو آن لگام
      تا خبر یابد ز فارس اسپ خام
      z-ân be-gardânad be har su ân legâm
      tâ xabar yâbad ze fâres asp-e xâm
      He turns the bridle in every direction in order that the untrained horse may gain knowledge of the rider.
  3. vain; idle (of thoughts, etc.)
    آرزوی خامârezu-ye xâmidle wish
    • c. 1260s, Jalāl ad-Dīn Mohammad Rūmī, Reynold A. Nicholson, transl., مثنوی معنوی [Masnavi-ye-Ma'navi], volume I, verse 1057:
      گفت من گفتم که عهد آن خسان
      خام باشد خام و سست و نارسان‌‌
      goft man goftam ke 'ahd-e ân xasân
      xâm bâšad, xâm o sost o nâresân
      "I said," cried [the lion], "that the promise of those vile ones would be vainvain and frail and unfulfilled."


  • Azerbaijani: xam
  • Georgian: ხამი (xami)
  • Ottoman Turkish: خام (ham)
    • Turkish: ham
    • Armenian: խամ (xam)
  • Pashto: خام (xâm)


  • MacKenzie, D. N. (1971), “xām”, in A concise Pahlavi dictionary, London, New York, Toronto: Oxford University Press, page 93
  • Vullers, Johann August (1855), خام”, in Lexicon Persico-Latinum etymologicum cum linguis maxime cognatis Sanscrita et Zendica et Pehlevica comparatum, e lexicis persice scriptis Borhâni Qâtiu, Haft Qulzum et Bahâri agam et persico-turcico Farhangi-Shuûrî confectum, adhibitis etiam Castelli, Meninski, Richardson et aliorum operibus et auctoritate scriptorum Persicorum adauctum (in Latin), volume I, Bonn: Adolf Marcus, page 646

Southeast Pashayi


خام (xām)

  1. boy

Further reading

  • Abd-El-Malek Lamuwal; Adam Baker (2013), “Southeastern Pashayi”, in Journal of the International Phonetic Association, volume 43, Cambridge: International Phonetic Association, pages 243-246




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