

单词 ب د و

ب د و



ب د و (b-d-w)

  1. related to appearing
  2. related to becoming evident
  3. related to seeming good
  4. related to Bedouin

Derived terms

  • Form I: بَدَا (badā, to appear, show; become evident, clear, plain, manifest; come to light; be obvious; seem good, acceptable, proper)
    • Verbal noun: بُدُوّ (buduww)
    • Active participle: بَادٍ (bādin)
    • Passive participle: مَبْدُوّ (mabduww)
  • Form III: بَادَى (bādā, to show, evince, display, manifest, reveal, declare openly; demonstrate bring out, bring to light, make visible; express, utter, voice)
    • Verbal noun: مُبَادَاة (mubādāh), بِدَاء (bidāʾ)
    • Active participle: مُبَادٍ (mubādin)
    • Passive participle: مُبَادًى (mubādan)
  • Form V: تَبَدَّى (tabaddā, to appear, show; become evident, clear, plain, manifest; come to light; be obvious; seem good, acceptable, proper)
    • Verbal noun: تَبَدٍّ (tabaddin)
    • Active participle: مُتَبَدٍّ (mutabaddin)
    • Passive participle: مُتَبَدًّى (mutabaddan)
  • Form VI: تَبَادَى (tabādā, to pose as a Bedouin)
    • Verbal noun: تَبَادٍ (tabādin)
    • Active participle: مُتَبَادٍ (mutabādin)
    • Passive participle: مُتَبَادًى (mutabādan)
  • بَدْو (badw, desert, nomads, Bedouins)
  • بَدَوِي (badawī, Bedouin, nomadic; rural (as opposed to urban); a Bedouin)
  • بَدَوِية (badawiya, Bedouin woman, Bedouin girl); pl. بَدَوِيَات (badawiyāt)
  • بَدَاة (badāh, whim, caprice; ill humour); pl. بَدَوَات (badawāt)
  • بَدَاوة (badāwa, desert life, Bedouin life; Bedouinism, nomadism)
  • بِدَاوة (bidāwa, desert life, Bedouin life; Bedouinism, nomadism)
  • بَيْداء (baydāʾ, desert, steppe, wilderness, wild)
  • اِبْداء (ibdāʾ, expression, manifestation, declaration)
  • ابَادٍ (apparent, evident, obvious, plain, visible; inhabiting the desert); pl. بُدَاة (budāh)
  • بَادِية (bādiya, desert, semidesert, steppe; peasantry); pl. بَوَادٍ (bawādin, nomads, Bedouins)


  • Lane, Edward William (1863), ب د و”, in Arabic-English Lexicon, London: Williams & Norgate, pages 171
  • Wehr, Hans (1979), ب د و”, in J. Milton Cowan, editor, A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic, 4th edition, Ithaca, NY: Spoken Language Services, →ISBN




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