

单词 ارتفع


See also: أرتفع



From the root ر ف ع (r-f-ʿ).


  • IPA(key): /ir.ta.fa.ʕa/
  • (file)


اِرْتَفَعَ (irtafaʿa) VIII, non-past يَرْتَفِعُ‎ (yartafiʿu)

  1. to lift, to rise, to ascend, to go higher
  2. to mount up, to climb, to soar, to skyrocket, to tower
  3. to grow, to increase
  4. to ring out, to be or become loud
  5. to rear, to recede, to be removed, to go away or off something after having been put there
    • a. 1000, المقدسي, Michael Jan de Goeje, editor, أحسن التقاسيم في معرفة الأقاليم [ʾaḥsan at-taqāsīm fī maʿrifa al-ʾaqālīm] (Bibliotheca Geographorum Arabicorum; 3), Leiden: E. J. Brill, published 1877, 1906, web 1/136, page 374 mu:
      وأما أرمينية فإنها كورة جليلة رسمها أرميني بن كنظر بن يافث بن نوح ومنها ترتفع الستور والزَلاليُّ الرفيعة كثيرة الخصائص قصبتها دَبِيل ومن مدنها: بَدْلِيس، خِلَاط، أَرْجِيش، بَرْكَرِي، خُوَيُّ، سَلَمَاس، أُرْمِيَة، دَاخَرَّقَان، مَرَاغَة، أَهْرُ، مَرَنْد، سِنْجَان، قالِيقَلَا، قندرية، قَلْعَة يُونُس، نورين.
      As for Armenia, she is a majestic expanse, originally sketched and contoured by ʾArmīnī, the son of Ashkenaz, himself a descendant of Japheth, one of the sons of Noah. In Armenia, curtains, draperies, and rugs multifarious and fine hang down, the rod being Dabīl. Among her localities are Badlīs [Baghesh], Ḵilāṭ [Xlat], ʾArjīš [Arjesh], [the small town of] Barkarī [east of Ḵilāṭ], Ḵuway [Xoy], Salamās [Salamas], ʾUrmiyah [Urmia], Dāḵarraqān, Marāḡah, ʾAhr, Marand, Sinjān, Qālīqalā, Qandariyyah, Qalʿat Yūnus, Nūrīn.
  6. to pass away, to be eliminated, to disappear
  7. (grammar) to take an -u ending
    يَرْتَفِعُ الْفَاعِلُ وَيَنْتَصِبُ الْمَفْعُولُ
    yartafiʿu l-fāʿilu wayantaṣibu l-mafʿūlu
    The subject takes an -u ending and the object an -a one.
    • 794 CE, ʾAbū Zayd al-ʾAnṣāriyy, Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Qādir ʾAḥmad, editor, كتاب النّوادر في اللّغة, first edition, Dar El-Shorouk, published 1981, page 158:
      وَقَوْلُهُ: «مُجَرَّحَاتٌ بِأَجْرَاحٍ وَمَقْتُولُ» ٱرْتَفَعَ؛ لِأَنَّ التَّقْدِيرَ فِيهَا أَنْ يَقُولَ: مِنْهَا مُجَرَّحَاتُ، وَمِنْهَا مَقْتُولٌ
      waqawluhu: “mujarraḥātun biʾajrāḥin wamaqtūlu” rtafaʿa; liʾanna t-taqdīra fīhā ʾan yaqūla: minhā mujarraḥātu, waminhā maqtūlun
      (please add an English translation of this quote)


Derived terms

  • اِرْتِفاع (irtifāʿ)




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