渗析器 dialyzer;
渗析: 渗析器 dialyzer;
(有实际好处) substantial; solid:
(有希望) find the beginning of a solution; be hopeful
(有影响) get the upper hand; be in the ascendant
(有德行、有才能的人) a person of talents and virtue
(有德行, 有才能) (of a man) able and virtuous
(有心事) have sth. on one's mind; be troubled
(有必要; 必须) there is need to; it is necessary to; it is worth while to:
(有志气或有气魄) (of a man) having high aspirations and boldness of vision
(有根据; 站得住) be tenable; hold water:
(有棉套等保暖的水壶) a teapot with a cosy
(有注解的书不录注解只印正文的本子) an unannotated edition of a book
(有热情) warm; fervent; enthusiastic; warmhearted:
(有石头的土山) rocky mound
(有组织的群众行列) ranks; contingent:
(有能力的人) able person
(有能力) capable; efficient; competent:
(有腥味的) stinking; fishy;stenchy
(有象牙雕刻装饰的床) ivory-inlaid bed
(有财势的人) the powerful rich; the rich and powerful
(有趣味) interesting
(有趣味) interesting; enjoyable:
(有过一次) on one occasion:
(有长处可取的人) one with strong points worth recommending
(有问题) when problems crop up; if sth. happens:
(有零) odd:
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