

单词 תשובה


See also: תּשובֿה


FWOTD – 26 September 2012


  • (Modern Israeli Hebrew) IPA(key): /tʃuˈva/


תְּשׁוּבָה (t'shuvá) f (plural indefinite תְּשׁוּבוֹת, singular construct תְּשׁוּבַת־, plural construct תְּשׁוּבוֹת־) [pattern: תַּקְטֵלָה]

  1. answer, response
    • Job 21:34, with translation of the Jewish Publication Society:
      וְאֵיךְ תְּנַחֲמוּנִי הָבֶל וּתְשׁוּבֹתֵיכֶם נִשְׁאַר־מָעַל׃
      v'éikh t'nakhamúni hável ut'shuvoteikhém nish'ar-má'al.
      wəʾēḵ tənaḥămū́nī hā́ḇel ūṯəšūḇōṯēḵem nišʾar-mā́ʿal.
      How then comfort ye me in vain? And as for your answers, there remaineth only faithlessness?
  2. repentance
    • a. 1200, Maimonides, משנה תורה, תשובה chapter 1:
      כל המצוות שבתורה [] אם עבר אדם על אחת מהן [] כשיעשה תשובה וישוב מחטאו חייב להתוודות לפני האל ברוך הוא
      kól hamitsvót shebatorá [] ím avár adám ál achát mehén [] k'sheyaasé t'shuvá v'yashúv mechet'ó chayáv l'hitvadót lifné haél barúch hú
      All the commands in the Torah [] if a man transgressed any one of them [] when he will do repentance and return from his sin, he's obliged to confess before the almighty, blessed be he.
  3. reconciliation
  4. period, time period
    • 2 Samuel 11:1, with translation of the Jewish Publication Society:
      וַיְהִי לִתְשׁוּבַת הַשָּׁנָה לְעֵת צֵאת הַמְּלָאכִים וַיִּשְׁלַח דָּוִד אֶת־יוֹאָב וְאֶת־עֲבָדָיו עִמּוֹ וְאֶת־כָּל־יִשְׂרָאֵל וַיַּשְׁחִתוּ אֶת־בְּנֵי עַמּוֹן וַיָּצֻרוּ עַל־רַבָּה וְדָוִד יוֹשֵׁב בִּירוּשָׁלִָם׃
      vay'hí lit'shuvát hashaná l'ét tsét ham'lakhím vayishlákh davíd 'et-yo'áv v'et-'avadáv 'imó v'et-kol-yisra'él vayashkhítu 'et-b'néi 'amón vayatsúru 'al-rabá v'davíd yoshév birushaláyim.
      wayəhī liṯəšūḇaṯ haššānā ləʿēṯ ṣēṯ hamməlāḵīm wayyišlaḥ dāwīḏ ʾeṯ-yōʾāḇ wəʾeṯ-ʿăḇāḏāw ʿimmō wəʾeṯ-kol-yiśrāʾēl wayyašḥī́ṯū ʾeṯ-bənē ʿammōn wayyāṣū́rū ʿal-rabbā wəḏāwīḏ yōšēḇ bīrūšālā́yim.
      And it came to pass, at the return of the year, at the time when kings go out to battle, that David sent Joab, and his servants with him, and all Israel; and they destroyed the children of Ammon, and besieged Rabbah. But David tarried at Jerusalem.
  5. return
    • 1 Samuel 7:17, with translation of the Jewish Publication Society:
      וּתְשֻׁבָתוֹ הָרָמָתָה כִּי־שָׁם בֵּיתוֹ וְשָׁם שָׁפָט אֶת־יִשְׂרָאֵל וַיִּבֶן־שָׁם מִזְבֵּחַ לַיהוָה׃
      ut'shuvató haramáta ki-shám beitó v'shám shafát 'et-yisra'él vayiven-shám mizbéakh laYHVH.
      ūṯəšuḇāṯō hārāmā́ṯā kī-šām bēṯō wəšām šāp̄āṭ ʾeṯ-yiśrāʾēl wayyiḇen-šām mizbēaḥ laYHWH.
      And his return was to Ramah, for there was his house; and there he judged Israel; and he built there an altar unto the LORD.


Derived terms

  • (repentance): בַּעַל־תְּשׁוּבָה (ba'al-t'shuvá), חָזַר בִּתְשׁוּבָה (khazár bit'shuvá)

See also

  • שְׁאֵלָה (sh'elá)
  • תְּגוּבָה (t'guvá)


  • תְּשׁוּבָה” in Abraham Even-Shoshan (אַבְרָהָם אֶבֶן־שֹׁשָן) et al., הַמִּלּוֹן הֶחָדָשׁ (ha-milón he-khadásh, The New Dictionary), Kiryat-Sefer Ltd. (קִרְיַת־סֵפֶר בְּע״ם) (1984), →ISBN, volume 3 of 3 (ק to ת).



    תשובה (tshuve)

    1. (nonstandard) Unpointed form of תּשובֿה (tshuve).




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