渔业机构 fishery body;
渔业: 渔业机构 fishery body;
(制做、修理铁器的工作) ironwork
(制定乐律) compose; write music
(制造铜器的工作) work in copper; coppersmithing
(制革或鞣皮的) tanner
(刻苦钻研,反复琢磨) refine;polish:
(刻蜡纸用的笔) stylus for cutting stencils; stencil pen
(剃光的头) shaven head; shaven-headed:
(前世) previous existence
(前人的事迹) deeds of those now dead
(前妻或前夫) one's former wife or former husband
(前面的) the above; the foregoing; the above-mentioned:
(前面) the top of the list:
(剧本用语) enter
(剧院等的) box office
(剧院等的) box-office clerk
(割断) cut sth. in half
(割草打柴的人) one who gathers grass and firewood
(割草打柴) cut grass and firewood
(力求避免) avoid as harmful; abstain from:
(力量强大) powerful; mighty:
(劝架) mediate; make peace between; bring people together:
(劝说、争辩、交涉时说的话) talking round; words; talking:
(办事圆滑) win [gain] advantage from [of] both sides; have one's bread buttered on both sides; (as) wanton as a calf with two dams
(办事的程序、规则) orderly ways; methodicalness:
(办喜事的日子) wedding day
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