administration with the will annexed
administration: administration with the will annexed
(不久的将来) the near future
(不仅, 不但, 不止, 不只) not less than:
(不仔细) sloppy; slovenly:
(不会少) considerable:
(不会错) can't go wrong:
(不伦不类的东西) nondescript; neither fish nor fowl
(不但) not merely; not simply:
(不但) not only:
(不但) not only:
(不低于) not inferior to; as good as; on a par with:
(不住嘴地列举着说) enumerate; cite one example after another
(不体面) scandalous:
(不体面) shameful; embarrassing; disgraceful:
(不使用) disuse; nonutility:
(不俗气) in good taste; tasteful:
(不值得; 吃亏) not worthwhile; not repaying the effort:
(不停止) profusely; incessantly:
(不停留) do not stay
(不全面) one-sided; lopsided:
(不公平) injustice; unfairness; unjust; uneven; wrong
(不兴旺) depressing state:
(不分轻重缓急, 一齐下手) try to tackle all problems at once regardless of their relative importance; fail to put first things first
(不剩下) do not leave behind; do not spare
(不加干涉) noninterference; laissez-faire:
(不加考虑) careless; slipshod; as one wishes; please oneself; in a slipshod way:
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