

单词 կորիւն


See also: Կորիւն

Old Armenian


The origin is uncertain. An overview of opinions follows.


կորիւն (koriwn)

  1. a cub or whelp of any wild animal (lion, bear, wolf, dog, viper, whale etc.)
    Synonym: ձագ (jag)
    • 5th century, with changes and additions in later centuries, Baroyaxōs [Physiologus] Earliest recension (TR).2.15–16:[11]
      Երրորդ բարք առիւծուն․ յորժամ ծնանի մատակ առեւծն զկորիւնն, մեռեալ ծնանի․ եւ նստեալ պահէ զորդի իւր, մինչեւ գայ հայրն յաւուր երրորդի եւ փչէ ի ճակատն նորա եւ յարուցանէ զնա։
      Errord barkʿ aṙiwcun; yoržam cnani matak aṙewcn zkoriwnn, meṙeal cnani; ew nsteal pahē zordi iwr, minčʿew gay hayrn yawur errordi ew pʿčʿē i čakatn nora ew yarucʿanē zna.
      • Translation by Gohar Muradyan
        The third custom of the lion: when the lioness gives birth to the whelp, she brings it forth dead. And she sits and guards her child, until on the third day the father comes and blows into its forehead and awakens it.
    • 5th century, with changes and additions in later centuries, Baroyaxōs [Physiologus] Earliest recension (TR).13.5:[12]
      Եւ իգին քանզի չիք որովայն, որ կրէ զծնունդն, յորժամ աճեն կորիւնքն, ծակեն զկողս մաւրն իւրեանց եւ ելանեն եւ սպանանեն զնա։
      Ew igin kʿanzi čʿikʿ orovayn, or krē zcnundn, yoržam ačen koriwnkʿn, caken zkołs mawrn iwreancʿ ew elanen ew spananen zna.
      • Translation by Gohar Muradyan
        And as the female has no womb to carry the offspring, when the young vipers grow up, they pierce their mother's side and come out and kill her.
  2. (figuratively) fruit-like globules hidden under leaves of planes, elms and some other trees
  3. (figuratively) the arms shot by pumpkins, cucumbers and similar plants


Derived terms

  • առիւծակորիւն (aṙiwcakoriwn)
  • գայլակորիւն (gaylakoriwn)
  • իժակորիւն (ižakoriwn)
  • Կորիւն (Koriwn)
  • կորնակ (kornak)


  • Armenian: կորյուն (koryun)


  1. Hübschmann, Heinrich (1897) Armenische Grammatik. 1. Theil: Armenische Etymologie (in German), Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, page 461
  2. Pedersen, Holger (1911), “Arm. koriwn”, in Akinean, Nersēs, editor, Huschardzan. Festschrift aus Anlass des 100-jahrigen Bestandes der Mechitaristen-Kongregation in Wien (1811–1911), und des 25. Jahrganges der philosophischen Monatsschrift Handes amsorya (1887–1911) (in German), Vienna: Verl. der Mechitaristen-Kongregation, pages 287–288
  3. Olsen, Birgit Anette (1999) The noun in Biblical Armenian: origin and word-formation: with special emphasis on the Indo-European heritage (Trends in linguistics. Studies and monographs; 119), Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter, pages 491–492
  4. Ačaṙean, Hračʿeay (1973), խոճկոր”, in Hayerēn armatakan baṙaran [Armenian Etymological Dictionary] (in Armenian), volume II, 2nd edition, a reprint of the original 1926–1935 seven-volume edition, Yerevan: University Press, page 389b
  5. Bugge, Sophus (1893), “Beiträge zur etymologischen Erläuterung der armenischen Sprache”, in Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung (in German), volume 32, page 85
  6. Nikolayev, S. L.; Starostin, S. A. (1994), *ḳwărnV”, in A North Caucasian Etymological Dictionary, Moscow: Asterisk Publishers
  7. Schröder, Johann Joachim (1711) Thesaurus linguae Armenicae antiquae et hodiernae, Amsterdam, page 45
  8. Awetikʿean, G.; Siwrmēlean, X.; Awgerean, M. (1836), կորիւն”, in Nor baṙgirkʿ haykazean lezui [New Dictionary of the Armenian Language] (in Old Armenian), volume I, Venice: S. Lazarus Armenian Academy, page 1119c
  9. Militarev, Alexander; Kogan, Leonid (2005) Semitic Etymological Dictionary, volume II: Animal Names, Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, →ISBN, pages 120–123
  10. ܐܪܝܘܢܐ”, in Sureth Dictionary, Association Assyrophile de France, accessed 2019-05-15
  11. Muradyan, Gohar (2005) Physiologus: The Greek and Armenian Versions with a Study of Translation Technique (Hebrew University Armenian Studies; 6), Leuven – Paris – Dudley: Peeters, pages 90, 142
  12. Muradyan, Gohar (2005) Physiologus: The Greek and Armenian Versions with a Study of Translation Technique (Hebrew University Armenian Studies; 6), Leuven – Paris – Dudley: Peeters, pages 107, 148

Further reading

  • Ačaṙean, Hračʿeay (1973), կորիւն”, in Hayerēn armatakan baṙaran [Armenian Etymological Dictionary] (in Armenian), volume II, 2nd edition, a reprint of the original 1926–1935 seven-volume edition, Yerevan: University Press, page 648–649
  • Awetikʿean, G.; Siwrmēlean, X.; Awgerean, M. (1836–1837), կորիւն”, in Nor baṙgirkʿ haykazean lezui [New Dictionary of the Armenian Language] (in Old Armenian), Venice: S. Lazarus Armenian Academy
  • Petrosean, H. Matatʿeay V. (1879), կորիւն”, in Nor Baṙagirkʿ Hay-Angliarēn [New Dictionary Armenian–English], Venice: S. Lazarus Armenian Academy




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