海滨鸟 beach bird; shorebird;
海滨: 海滨鸟 beach bird; shorebird;
社会主义公有制基础上的计划商品经济 planned commodity economy based on socialist public ownership;
社会主义初级阶段 primary stage [phase] of socialism; preliminary stage of socialism;
社会主义制度 socialist system
社会主义劳动竞赛 socialist labour emulation; campaign [drive];
社会主义商品经济 socialist commodity economy;
社会主义国家 socialist state;
社会主义国家共产党和工人党代表会议宣言 Declaration of the Meeting of the Communist and Workers' Parties of the Socialist Country;
社会主义国有化 socialist nationalization;
社会主义国营企业 socialist state owned enterprise;
社会主义国营经济 socialist state owned economy;
社会主义基本经济规律 basic economic law of socialism;
社会主义大家庭论 the theory of socialist community;
社会主义工业化 socialist industrialization;
社会主义市场体系 socialist market system;
社会主义建设 socialist construction;
社会主义建设总路线 general line for socialist construction (namely, go all out, aim high and achieve greater, faster, better and more economical results in building socialism);
社会主义改造 socialist transformation;
社会主义政治经济学 socialist political economy;
社会主义教育运动 (1963-1966) socialist education campaign to overhaul political, economic, organizational and ideological matters; socialist education movement to clean things up in the fields of politics, ideology, organization and economy;
社会主义文明 socialist civilization;
社会主义方向 socialist orientation;
社会主义模式 models for socialism;
社会主义民主 socialist democracy;
社会主义民主制度化、法律化 institutionalize and legalize socialist democracy;
社会主义民主和法制 socialist democracy and a socialist legal system;
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