

单词 beggary




From beggar + -y.


  • IPA(key): /ˈbɛɡəɹi/


beggary (countable and uncountable, plural beggaries)

  1. The state of a beggar; indigence, extreme poverty.
    • c. 1589–1590, Christopher Marlo[we], Tho[mas] Heywood, editor, The Famous Tragedy of the Rich Ievv of Malta. [], London: [] I[ohn] B[eale] for Nicholas Vavasour, [], published 1633, OCLC 1121318438, Act I:
      Haply some hapless man hath conscience,
      And for his conscience lives in beggary.
    • c. 1596, William Shakespeare, “The Life and Death of King Iohn”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, OCLC 606515358, [Act II, scene i]:
      Well, whiles I am a beggar, I will rail
      And say there is no sin but to be rich;
      And being rich, my virtue then shall be
      To say there is no vice but beggary.
    • 1782, Frances Burney, Cecilia, London: T. Payne & Son and T. Cadell, Volume I, Book I, Chapter 9, p. 128,
      [] she does not come hither as a beggar, however well the state of beggary may accord with her poverty: she only sollicits the payment of a bill []
    • 1835, William Gilmore Simms, The Partisan, Harper, Chapter XII, page 150:
      The matter to be decided involved, in addition to the personal risks of life and liberty, the probable forfeiture of an immense estate, and the beggary, in consequence, of an only and beloved daughter.
    • 1933 January 9, George Orwell [pseudonym; Eric Arthur Blair], chapter 30, in Down and Out in Paris and London, London: Victor Gollancz [], OCLC 2603818:
      There was, clearly, no future for him but beggary and a death in the workhouse.
  2. The fact or action of begging.
    • 1848, Elizabeth Gaskell, Mary Barton, Chapter 38,
      [] the landlady [] ushered them into a large garret where twenty or thirty people of all ages and both sexes lay and dozed away the day, choosing the evening and night for their trades of beggary, thieving, or prostitution.
    • 1938, Xavier Herbert, Capricornia, New York: Appleton, Chapter 8, p. 126,
      [] perhaps he would abandon beggary when there was no poor fool about to beg from.
  3. Beggarly appearance.
    • 1847 January – 1848 July, William Makepeace Thackeray, chapter 2, in Vanity Fair [], London: Bradbury and Evans [], published 1848, OCLC 3174108:
      [] she looked back to the freedom and the beggary of the old studio in Soho with so much regret, that everybody, herself included, fancied she was consumed with grief for her father.



beggary (comparative more beggary, superlative most beggary)

  1. (obsolete) beggarly
    • c. 1597, Ben. Jonson, A Pleasant Comedy, Called: The Case is Alterd. [], London: [] [Nicholas Okes] for Bartholomew Sutton, and William Barrenger, [], published 1609, OCLC 1203228598, (please specify the act number in uppercase Roman numerals, and the scene number in lowercase Roman numerals):
      beggary counterfeits
    • early 1600s, Beaumont and Fletcher (attributed), The Nice Valour, Act V, Scene 3, in The Works of Mr. Francis Beaumont, and Mr. John Fletcher, London: J. & R. Tonson and S. Draper, 1750, Volume 10, p. 359,
      This is Love’s beggary right, that now is ours,
      When Ladies love, and cannot shew their Powers.




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