

单词 beefarming


See also: bee farming



beefarming (uncountable) (rare)

  1. Alternative spelling of bee farming
    • 1896, The Australian Bee Bulletin, volume 4, E. Tipper., page 311:
      In May uext[sic] I intend to visit the South Sea Islands (some of them) with the object of spying out the land for beefarming.
    • 1915, The Australasian Beekeeper, Pender Bros., page 231:
      As it is a very low place it is not the easiest of beefarming to winter [?] apiary without losing at least 50 per cent. of them.
    • 1928, Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science, Report of the Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science, page 586:
      For the purposes of valuation the primary and manufacturing industries are divided into six groups as follows:—(i) Agriculture; (ii) Pastoral; (iii) Dairy, Poultry, and Beefarming; (iv) Forestry and Fisheries; (v) Mining; (vi) Manufacturing.
    • 1946, Horticultural Society of New York, Monthly Bulletin, page 12:
      This is a book that all progressive beeke[epers] [] have been awaiting for many years. I [] scribes methods of management and is [] of many valuable details that have grow[n] [] of practical experiments connected with [] business side of beefarming.
    • 1950, New South Wales. Bureau of Statistics and Economics, The Official Year Book of New South Wales, volume 54, page 866:
      Where a beefarmer with at least fifty hives of bees in a registered apiary has carried out work to improve it as a site for beefarming, the apiary may be registered as a protected apiary.
    • 1965, Blakely, William Faris, A Key to the Eucalypts: With Descriptions of 522 Species and 150 Varieties, Forestry and Timber Bureau, →ISBN, page 180:
      A shrubby species suitable for beefarming, as it flowers profusely from November-January, and yields both pollen and nectar.
    • 1969, The Pocket Year Book of Tasmania, Government Printer, South Africa, page 208:
      Beefarming Statistics / Crops / Fruit Statistics
    • 1973, South Australia. Parliament, Proceedings of the Parliament of South Australia, page 114:
      Rural holdings classified by type of activity: number, areas and area used for various purposes / Beefarming / Fisheries / State and private forests: area of reserves, plantings, production
  • beefarm




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