

单词 столъ


Old Church Slavonic

Alternative forms

  • (Glagolitic): ⱄⱅⱁⰾⱏ (stolŭ)


From Proto-Slavic *stolъ (table, seat, chair; throne; residence).


столъ (stolŭ) m

  1. table, seat
  2. throne
    • from the Life of Good King Wencelaus:
      Оумьръшоу же отьцоу ѥго, Братиславоу, поставишѧ Чеси кънѧза Вѧщеслава на столѣ дѣдьн҄и.
      Umĭrŭšu že otĭcu jego, Bratislavu, postavišę Česi kŭnęza Vęšteslava na stolě dědĭnʹi.
      And when his father Bratislav died, the Czechs established Venceslav as prince upon his grandfather's throne.
  3. office
    • from Vita Constantini, 0500410-0500420:
      аще можеши юноше съ прѣпрѣти, то пакꙑ столь свои прꙇимеши.
      ašte možeši junoše sŭ prěprěti, to paky stolĭ svoi prꙇimeši.
      If you can prevail over this youth, you will again receive your office.
  4. see
    • from Vita Methodii, 1200510-1200540:
      и въ роукоу ѥго соуть отъ бога и отъ апостольскаго стола вьсѧ Словѣньскꙑꙗ странꙑ, да ѥгоже прокльнеть, проклѧтъ, а ѥгоже свѧтить, тъ свѧтъ да боуди.
      i vŭ ruku jego sutĭ otŭ boga i otŭ apostolĭskago stola vĭsę Slověnĭskyja strany, da jegože proklĭnetĭ, proklętŭ, a jegože svętitĭ, tŭ svętŭ da budi.
      And from God and the apostolic see are all the Slavic lands in his hands. Thus, whomever he curses is cursed; but whomever he blesses, may he be blessed.


Old East Slavic

Столъ (1).
Столъ (2).
Столъ (3).
Столъ (4).


From Proto-Slavic *stòlъ (table, seat, chair; throne; residence).


  • (ca. 9th CE) IPA(key): /ˈstoːlʊ/
  • (ca. 11th CE) IPA(key): /ˈstoːlʊ/
  • (ca. 13th CE) IPA(key): /ˈstɔːl/, /ˈstoːl/
  • Hyphenation: сто‧лъ


столъ (stolŭ) m

  1. bench
  2. table
  3. lectern
  4. throne
  5. capital
  6. power, might



  • Old Ruthenian: столъ (stol)
    • Belarusian: стол (stol)
    • Rusyn: стул (stul)
    • Ukrainian: стіл (stil)
  • Russian: стол (stol) (see there for further descendants)


  • Sreznevsky, Izmail I. (1912), столъ”, in Матеріалы для Словаря древне-русскаго языка по письменнымъ памятникамъ [Materials for the Dictionary of the Old East Slavic Language Based on Written Monuments] (in Russian), volume 3: Р – Ꙗ и дополненія, Saint Petersburg: Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, column 515
  • Zaliznjak, Andrej A. (2014), “Drevnerusskoje udarenije. Obščije svedenija i slovarʹ”, in Languages of Slavic Culture (in Russian), Moscow: Institute for Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, page 497: “сто́лъ”



столъ (stol) m inan (genitive стола́, nominative plural столы́, genitive plural столо́въ)

  1. Pre-1918 spelling of стол (stol).






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