椭圆(轨道)彗星 elliptic comet;
椭圆: 椭圆(轨道)彗星 elliptic comet;
(人民的心情、 愿望) feelings of the people; public feeling:
(人的一生; 终生) lifetime
(人的形象或踪影) the trace of a person's presence; figure:
(人的晚年) the evening of life; declining years:
(人的能力差; 物的质量差) of inferior ability or quality
(人身卖价) the selling price of a slave
(人造的手) artificial hand; hand prosthesis
(什么都能做, 什么都不擅长的人) Jack of all trades and master of none
(仁慈的) human; humane:
(仅仅顾到) merely; simply; only care for:
(仆从) underling; lackey
(今后不会再有) never to be seen again:
(介绍买卖或租赁房屋等并从中牟利) act as go-between
(介绍菜肴制作方法的书) cookery-book; cookbook
(仍然) still; yet:
(从中调停) mediate
(从事卜卦、 算命、 赞礼等职业的人) astrologer or fortuneteller
(从前) formerly; in the past; at that time:
(从回忆里体会) call sth. to mind and ponder over it; enjoy in retrospect:
(从容不迫) leisurely; unhurried:
(从容器中舀油) ladle oil
(从旁鼓动人做某事) urge sb. to do sth.
(从现在往上推) trace back to:
(从阴暗处来的风) sinister wind; ill wind; evil wind
(从)小集体所有制过渡到大集体所有制 gradual transition from the small-scale collective ownership to large-scale collective ownership
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