

单词 при


See also: при-



From Proto-Slavic *pri, from Proto-Balto-Slavic *prei.


  • IPA(key): [pri]


при (pri)

  1. at, near, by
    В момента съм при фризьора.
    V momenta sǎm pri frizjora.
    At the moment, I am at the hairdresser's.
  2. during, while, when (at the time of)
    При изпита, не бива да се говори.
    Pri izpita, ne biva da se govori.
    During the test, one should not talk.



From Proto-Slavic *pri, from Proto-Balto-Slavic *prei.


  • IPA(key): [pri]


при (pri)

  1. at, near, by
    Не ми е при рака.
    Ne mi e pri raka.
    I don't have it at hand.
  2. during
    При купувањето нов намештај треба да се имаат наум димензиите на просториите за кои тој е наменет.
    Pri kupuvanjeto nov nameštaj treba da se imaat naum dimenziite na prostoriite za koi toj e namenet.
    When buying new furniture, one should bear in mind the dimensions of the rooms for which it is intended.

Old Church Slavonic


From Proto-Slavic *pri, from Proto-Balto-Slavic *prei.


при (pri)

(+ prepositional case)

  1. near
  2. at
  3. with
  4. by


Etymology 1

From Proto-Slavic *pri, from Proto-Balto-Slavic *prei, from Proto-Indo-European *prey, whence English for and per.


  • IPA(key): [prʲɪ]
  • IPA(key): [ˈprʲi] (when stressed)
  • (file)


при (pri) (+ locative case or prepositional case)

  1. with, when, during (in the time and/or presence (of))
    Э́то сло́во испо́льзуетсяпри обще́нии с незнако́мыми людьми́.Éto slóvo ispólʹzujetsja pri obščénii s neznakómymi ljudʹmí.This is word is used when talking to strangers.
    Не́которые симпто́мы прису́тствуютпри гри́ппе, но непри просту́де.Nékotoryje simptómy prisútstvujut pri gríppe, no ne pri prostúde.Some symptoms are present with the flu but not with the common cold.
    Э́то обы́чная процеду́рапри допро́се.Éto obýčnaja procedúra pri dopróse.This is a normal procedure during questioning.
    Он ядови́тпри прогла́тывании.On jadovít pri proglátyvanii.It's poisonous if swallowed.
    при ви́де чего́-либоpri víde čevó-liboat the sight of something
    при Ста́линеpri Stálineunder Stalin
    нипри каки́х обстоя́тельствахni pri kakíx obstojátelʹstvaxnot under any circumstances
    при необходи́мостиpri neobxodímostiwhere/when necessary
    при по́мощиpri pómoščiwith / through / using / by means (of) / with the help (of)
    Э́то мероприя́тие бы́ло организо́ванопри их соде́йствии и подде́ржке.Éto meroprijátije býlo organizóvano pri ix sodéjstvii i poddéržke.This event was organised with their assistance and support.
    при ко́мнатной температу́реpri kómnatnoj temperatúreat room temperature
  2. at, by

See also

  • при- (pri-)

Etymology 2

See the etymology of the corresponding lemma form.


  • IPA(key): [prʲi]


при (pri)

  1. second-person singular imperative imperfective of пере́ть (perétʹ)



From Proto-Slavic *pri, from Proto-Balto-Slavic *prei.


  • IPA(key): /prî/


при̏ (Latin spelling prȉ) (+ locative case)

  1. close to, near, at (denoting spatial proximity)
    при самом улазуright at the entrance
    при крају улицеat the end of the street
    при врху брдаnear the top of of the hill
  2. with, having, in possession of
    бити при новцуto have money, having money
    бити при св(иј)естиto be conscious, having consciousness
    бити при (здравој) паметиto be in one's right mind
    бити при себиto be in possession of one's faculties
    при температури од 20° Цat 20° Cl
  3. (archaic) at (belonging to, collaborating with)
    писар при судуa scribe at the court
  4. during, while, at (denoting temporal co-occurrence)
    при заласку сунцаduring the sunset, while the sun was/is setting
    при јелуwhile eating
    при крају разговораat the end of the conversation
    при вожњиwhile driving
  5. idiomatic and figurative meanings
    бити некоме при руциto help somebody
    остајем при својој изјавиI stick to my statement
    остајем при своме мишљењуI stick to my opinion
    при томеwhile doing so; in this connection/matter
  • при-


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